Chapter Twenty

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I woke up around four-thirty and felt sore. I looked out the window above my bed and noticed the sun high in the sky. It would set in a few hours, but I was going to be chasing it west. I smiled at that thought. Then remember, shit, I fell asleep with Danny on the phone! I frantically started throwing blankets and pillows until I would hear a thud. I threw them all over and nothing. I know I fell asleep with it. I smacked my own forehead when it was hiding under the bed slightly. It threw me for a loop. I wondered if I thrashed in my sleep. Did I have my own night terrors? Things could be interesting since Dan was going to now be sharing a bed with me more often.

I grabbed clothes, and packed quickly. I lied when I remembered telling Dan I'd do it before bed. Whoops! He'll never know. Maybe. Who knows? My clothes I put in my suitcase were almost all of them. This made me wonder if moving was going to take all that long. I wondered where Dan would look in California. First thing to assume is it will be in a radius of everyone. Not that it is an issue, but still. It was interesting to think all this was happening like this. I was moving, I was with someone, someone being someone that I never even stood a chance believing would ever want me, and I now was working with him and these people who were close to me now. I know I reveled in this thought, but the events just seemed almost dream-like. The timeline was chaotic. I was brought back to reality when my phone rang. I ran to plug it in and charge while talking. It was Arin, shockingly.

"Hey Arin! How are you?" I chuckled remembering the beating Suzy gave him.

"Oh, I'm alright! Thanks for caring, I know you heard my lovely wife making sure I don't kill someone while she's trying to sleep, ha! So hey I got a question for you!" Arin sounded chipper. I assumed he was excited to see me or something.

"Ask way man!" I smiled at my phone. Arin was becoming this big brother to me. It was rather interesting. I liked it don't get me wrong.

"Okay, well, I know Dan is bringing you hear to look for housing. I had a huge idea that will help you in a way. Did you want to possibly have a hand in a project I am working on?" Arin sounded confident in himself.

"Sure, whatcha got for me?" I prepared for anything. No suriprises here.

"I got a sort of mental block with designing shirts. Like I can draw em up and such and whatever. My thing for you would be to work with me on placement, style, and also you would be introduced in the selling vids." He waited for me to answer. I wondered if Dan knew. Still it sounded fun!

"I'm all yours, ya know what? Just use me where ya need me Arin!" I gave up saying one specific thing is what I do. They could use hands wherever, why not off them!

"Becareful what you wish for young lady!" he joked. I giggled and heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey Arin, wait, you're on the phone? Nevermind I can wait dude." It was Dan. I froze out of nowhere. I heard Arin chuckle and Dan must have made a face cause Arin explained.

"Dude, so your girlfriend is mine now. I own her and she works for and with me. Tell Ross fuck off." Arin laughed with Dan for a second and finally remembered me, "Okay so uh, your knight and shining Jew is here, and we are going to grump. He said get on the fucking plane before he shows you what a real man looks like!" Arin sounded serious as all can be and I sort of just waited. I heard what I was waiting for.

"What in the fuck does that even mean? I didn't even say shit, dude!" Dan was laughing now as Arin sighed over the phone.

"You better just know what it means! Okay?!" Arin sounded offended and Dan stammered trying to ask what it meant again, "dude it means you're gonna just show her you're a man!" Dan laughed harder now.

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