Chapter One-Hundred-Seventeen

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"Where the hell have you two been?!" Arin snapped at us back behind the stage. Dan held up a hand and shook his head.

"We ran into an issue and I got heated, I'm sorry." Dan took the blame and Arin I watched look between us.

"Yeah? Good, cause I was nervous that you guys were going to have to be spoken for!" Arin nodded and then looked back to everyone else. "Alright everyone knows what's up we go on, we stick with the rules we agreed on and we answer their questions, and we can go eat!" Arin did a small dance and I giggled. Arin high fived me for liking that plan and I watched Dan relax.

"You're gonna be great, just smile and remember I got you if something comes up that doesn't seem right, okay?" Dan smiled down at me and I nodded again.

"Got it." I said smiled back to him. Dan hugged me close and we heard the monitors come on. An announcer got on and sounded all too familiar. He welcomed everyone and had them all take a seat before they got on to bringing us out. I looked around the darker backstage and noticed it was a very simple theater type deal. There were boards and stair pieces that could be used for risers. Dan gently started rubbing my shoulders as I tuned back in. The announcer finally said to make a shit ton of noise and music started playing. Kevin, Barry, Ross, Suzy, Arin, I and Dan ventured out in a file line. Everyone got louder when Arin came out and even roared seeing Dan. Dan jumped down in his outfit and threw high fives to the first row as we got seated. Arin continued to dance with Barry just goofing off. Suzy and I pointed and laughed to the other over the shenanigans.

"Holy fuck you guys expanded!" The announcer said, whom was just Mark being a doof. I watched him turn and hug Arin and Dan before letting them get seated. Arin patted my back and sat down before Dan slid into his chair smoothly and wiggled his eyebrows to me. I looked out and barely saw passed the bright lights they had everywhere. A small monitor was placed before us and I noticed a time on it. I assumed it was to let us know how long to go and I watched it start as soon as Arin spoke.

"Okay, sit the fuck down! No no, really!" Arin got the crowd laughing but everyone did comply. Dan's hand gently squeezed my thigh as I still looked out curious to all the people. Some I could see looking between all of us, some were focused on Dan and I, and others I saw paying attention closely as Arin continued. "Okay now that EVERYONE has taken a spot," Arin went to go on and Ross stood up proudly just to spite him, "Okay Ross, I said EVERYONE, stop being a dick, geeze!" Arin shook his head. I noticed nothing was planned and it was all timing.

"S-sorry was just trying to be a rebel." Ross joked and I watched Arin roll his eyes.

"Ross you couldn't rebel even if Darth Vader gave birth to you!" Dan chimed in and I shook my head smiling like I couldn't believe he went there. Dan made an expression like I should have known and I shook my head and went back to paying attention.

"Right!" Arin agreed and nodded to Dan. The both high fived and sat back down.

"Uh guys, these lovelies I'm sure have questions and we're just acting like Mark right now!" Barry teased and you heard Mark from backstage yell 'HEY'.

"Oh right, right, so uh first off welcome guys!" Arin smiled wide and I watched Dan lean in and chime in again.

"Hello you kinky ass sons of bitches!" Dan pretended to sound like a late night radio host. Everyone laughed and even I chuckled behind my hand. Arin nodded and went on casually.

"Second off, um, for those who have never been or have been dragged here by a friend, congrats, we are indeed the Game Grumps and we will say if you are afraid, awesome!" Arin teased.

"And if you're not you're probably used to it or Ross." Suzy added on nodding to him. Ross had an evil face going on and stroked his pretend long mustache.

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