Chapter Thirty-Four

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****[Y/N]'s POV****

I was standing back stage at a convention watching Dan do his Ninja Sex Party set. He was bouncing around in a kimono and I was shaking my head at the big kid. I felt a hand on my shoulder that seemed to grip tightly. Clearly someone was trying to get me to turn around, but all my senses said for me to do otherwise. The feeling of fear was creeping on me as I continued to ignore the feeling. Something was beginning to become quite wrong the longer I stood there attempting to focus on Danny. The sound guy was slowly turning his mic down. I made a face because Dan continued to go on as if nothing was happening. The crow I glanced to didn't even seem to bother. I felt a stinging pain in my shoulder that whomever was attempting to use to spin me around now and it was rather irritating.

No sooner had the sound faded to a low hum the lights began to darken. House lights weren't coming on either. The fading to black effect I never heard Dan describe as part of the show. I looked around towards the crows and realized Dan was no longer on stage. In fact, the stage was gone. I was aware that the venue had disappeared away into a void as well. My mind began to race and also continued to remind me to ignore what was now a building burning pain behind me still. I looked around without turning too much around and tried to step forward. The force of the hand digging into my shoulder stopped me from moving anywhere. My panicking increased as the difference between eyes open or closed became very little. I reached out to touch anything, but nothing was in my reach. My feet felt like they were giving way and I still remained in place feeling weightless.

There was a noise behind me, but bells and whistles were ringing louder. All signs were screaming to not turn around. I felt another hand latch onto me as I tried to fight what was blocking me from moving forward. I fought it off for only a moment as I stepped almost a stride ahead. I couldn't hear anything just a buzzing of nothing and I started screaming to try and make some sort of sound. As soon as I tried more hands latched onto me, pulling me now backwards. The fingers felt on fire but made of razors. In the midst of fighting back a ton of horrible voices rang back to me. The buzz faded into name calling, insults, horrible descriptions of ways to kill me, I felt my lungs give out as tears covered my eyes and cheeks. I was going to die my body entirely was going to give out. The voices were overlapping louder and louder. I desperately tried to listen passed the commotion and chaos for anything I could recognize. I let out a scream for Dan finally in a last desperate attempt. It was turning into the only thing I could remember how to pronounce. My voice was horse, but I would hope somewhere he would hear me.

***DAN'S POV****

I leapt off the couch as the yelps became whimpers. I rushed to see [Y/N] starting to thrash under the covers and instantly recognized what was happening. I instantly jumped in on the other side by the window and struggled to get under the covers with her. Her limbs stiffened as I tried to grab her up to hold her. I let her go to see what was next for her building night terror. In a split second she was sitting right up with a mortified stare into nothing. I wrapped my arms around her for a second attempt as she started as a whisper with calling my name.

"[Y/N], hey, hey, baby I'm right here." I said calm and softly. She shook her head in terror as if something was talking to her and she didn't want to know. I had to cover my ears for the next part. A scream finally made its way to the surface. Arin and Suzy bounded down the hall and flung open the door. Arin's mouth I saw drop as Suzy's did and I shook my head to not talk. She was almost sounding as if she was suffocating from screaming so loud. I scrambled to sit in front of her and took her face in my hands. I blew a couple times to hopefully startle her, but it didn't seem to work. I noticed her starting to reach out to grab something while shaking and it was scaring me that I couldn't bring her back. Tears were threatening my vision, but I had to remain calm as possible.

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