Chapter Thirty-Nine

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****[Y/N] POV****

I woke up to laying flat and certainly in a different place. Before I opened my eyes a scent that was familiar grazed my nose. I sighed as I let myself see where I had been and it was unreal. The walls were white and the records on the walls held the reflection of his window in them. I looked over at his desk to see he had his Macbook and some notebook on top of it. I decided to turn over to see my sleepy Dan, but was met with an empty space. His hoodie was what I had woke up thinking was him and I eyed it like it had done something wrong. I swung my legs over decided to get up to go find him. I needed to ask how in the world he got me here without me even realizing I was being moved!

"Dan?" I called for him in a sleepy voice. I heard the echo through the house but no one replied. I made a face that was unsure of being left possibly alone. I stood up to shuffle down the hall. "Barry?!" called a little louder. No one replied again so I continued until I was faced with the rest of the place. No one was here. No one had been here it seemed. I checked my phone that had miraculously stayed intact as I slept on it and the time was eleven in the morning still. I had slept for four hours and felt like it had been longer. Shockingly no messages from Dan or anyone looking for me so I assumed they knew. Dan must have dropped me off to be more comfortable. I smiled at this gesture and decided to call him. I could have cared less if it was during recording. He said it was fine to not hide so in a way I was testing that.

"Baby?" his voice was off, "h-hey how'd you sleep?" he asked sounding rough.

"I feel like a million bucks, and apparently like a rock is how. Did you really just Houdini me to bed?" I giggled at my mental picture of Dan dressed like a magician.

"Oh yeah! Even ask Arin whom thought it was ridiculous." Dan seemed to drop off after answering me. I felt like something was wrong so I asked him.

"You tired yourself or somethin'? You sound weird." I bluntly laid it on him he sighed into the phone.

"Yeah, um, just tons of shit, tons of tea, tons of more shit to do." Dan replied very vaguely.

"Okay, uh, are you busy as well, did I disturb you?" I was feeling like I had done something to upset him. The darker feeling of paranoia and anxiety creeped on me slowly.

"Um, not babe, not at all, just stuff is going on." Dan's voice cracked and became soft. I was really wishing I had my truck here.

"Is it me?" I closed my eyes tightly knowing I asked for a good reason, but was hoping for the best.

"Is what you?" Dan asked sounding short.

"Is whatever is wrong with you involving me?" I asked scared, but sounded snippy. Dan sighed drastically and I could see almost through the phone his annoyed expression.

"Why would it be you?" he asked with no laugh or anything. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"B-because I don't know who else could set you off or have you feeling so opposite of what I was greeted with this morning, I just need to know what I did wrong!" I let a couple tears fall just to ease the pain of holding back them all. Dan huffed before he spoke again.

"Ya know, I have to go, Arin's wanting to start another recording session, you did nothing wrong, I'll be home in a bit. Bye." Dan's words were uncaring and I cried before he hung up. I stared at my phone as the call screen disappeared just hurt. I curled up in a ball on the couch and sobbed. My entire world was supposed to be out here. Now either he's having an off day, or something was wrong, or just anything. I checked my phone to see nothing was sent. I was now stuck in his house, upset, and feeling guilty for anything I could think of. I looked to music to just chill me out and it was almost a curse to hear Different Frequencies come on. Dan's voice faded in with talking about finding hope in disaster and whimpered just forcing myself to hear Dan in a not so harsh tone. I sung along quietly through the whole EP and cried. I felt so alone right then and it wasn't easing up.

1. Hit or MissOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora