Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Dan shifted the box to his other arm as I looked over meats. I had no idea what to make tonight and I knew we were losing time.

"Babe? Do you know what meal that usually go for?" I asked shrugging. Dan thought hard on it and nodded towards the chicken.

"Grab like two pounds of fillets, and lead me to the seasoning!" Dan wasn't telling me much but I did make sure to pay attention so I could guess. We got down the aisle with the seasonings and Dan looked closely even taking off his shades to observe. I rocked back on my heels until Dan made a noise.

"What am I grabbing?" I looked to where he pointed and grabbed powders, peppers, and a couple salts. We headed further and I made sure to grab dressing for marinade and veggies. Dan and I balanced a ton of stuff by the time we got to the line. When the belt was clear to put things down. Danny set the Xbox One down and looked over me.

"I am gonna grab a manager or someone, here is my card, and my license. I'll be back with news on boxes okay?" Dan let me nod that I was gonna be fine as he walked off with a slight bounce. I stepped inch by inch and finally got to pay. The cashier gave me the total just as Dan came back. He had a cart full of boxes and I smiled at the speed he seemed to get them.

"Okay how in the hell did you get those so fast?" I looked to the cart and to Dan. He smiled proudly and nodded to the boxes.

"Apparently they had stocked more than half the store last night! I am pretty sure we are set?" Dan chuckled. I turned back shaking my head so I could swipe his card. She finished up our order and I took the bags. Dan placed the food in the smaller basket on the car and I carried our new system. I laughed softly thinking about how that sounded to me in my head. Dan noticed and smiled down with a curious noise.

"Whatsup hun?" Dan waited for me to answer as we filed out the doors. I looked up at him with a grin as I held the bag up.

"Ours? I said that this was ours in my head and that sounded so, I don't know, different?" I shrugged. Dan laughed with a nod and thought for a second.

"I never really thought about it. 'Ours'," Dan let it linger like he was savoring a taste, "huh, I sorta like it honestly!" Danny's chipperness had me liking it more. We got to the truck and I checked the time.

"Okay we have, about two hours before they land. I can start dinner if you'd like to start packing? I know we seemed to keep changing this up, but I just want this to go smooth as we can ya know? I mean look around we've wasted half a day! I mean it's been an amazing day don't get me wrong I just I know that we only get till Sunday before we have to all trek back to California and it's such a long way, and the process is crucial and just-" I hadn't realized I was just rambling until a soft pair of lips met mine mid-sentence, and two arms pulled me to a leather jacket tightly. I let my eyes flutter shut as Danny deepened kissing me, making sure I was understanding to calm down before pulling away too soon.

Dan pulled back after a minute and I blinked a couple times. My breath was unstable, but I wasn't completely lost. Firm fingertips had been pressing into my hips and I swallowed just watching Dan look me over waiting to see if I was going to continue or not.

"You okay now? Ya done, cause we gotta go. I'm about to send you back to bed when we get back and wear you out if you don't relax, baby. Seriously. I'd rather you be comatose from sex and let me do it instead of stressing so easily. Now, I am going to load up the truck. You're going to simply just get in and sit." Dan stabbed a finger at me as he opened the passenger door. I sheepishly made a move to help and he grabbed my hand. He brought it to his lips and then led me to go sit. "I got this. You. Stay!" Dan heard me giggle as he shut the door. I watched from the mirrors him load everything into the bed except the groceries.

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