Chapter Seventy-Two

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*****Before I get into this, I am officially going to explain that I indeed went there. If anyone has any issues with Anal Sex. Skip this. It's okay to.-MR****

"[Y/N]", Dan's alarmed expression was almost comical. I knew it was a shocking idea and I let him just work to an answer. "I know you like, didn't stutter, I promise, I uh, wow, really? You want me to ef your aye?" Dan continued to stammer and I huffed letting him know I was still waiting on an answer. I stopped stroking him and locked onto his still shocked face.

"I thought maybe you'd wanna see if I like it and add a possible option to our list?" I shrugged as Dan nodded slightly seeing my point there.

"So, okay, I hear you, hun, but no girl 'likes' it," Dan did air quotes, "the first time." I blinked at him thinking about the process. Dan let me analyze what he meant and what I was honestly asking.

"What happens if I maybe not like fall in love with the idea, but not mind it either? Is that like bad?" I kept myself open for the thought as Dan pondered my question.

"Uh, well, um, n-no? Yet, babe, do you know how like intense and tedious it is going to be. Like all I need is one whimper and it's like game over. I cannot stand feeling like I am hurting you. At all. So I mean really understand you're asking me to concentrate on keeping it up, not hurt you, and make sure that it's continuously okay for the both of us. I mean, agh, I can do it, please know that, just it is all you I am concerned for." Dan's explanation threw me off guard. He made it sound really harmful or whatever and I sort of felt myself want to awkwardly 'aww' at this notion. I did also, trust him fully to be able to execute it.

"I still want to try." I said courageously. Dan closed his eyes and sighed. I felt afraid that he was going to flat out and say no until I felt him bring me into his arms. His mouth and fingers synced in movements to get me going. Dan ripped down my shorts and I felt my body coil to his touches. I worked my tongue into his mouth and Dan aggressively worked to tango with it. I could taste him and hear our lips and throaty hums filling the room once more.

Dan had flicked my clit so much and I felt like he was just going to satisfy me in now real-world, to make up for dreamland. I gripped him tight still lip-locked to him and felt myself relieve again. I was dripping down the side of my thigh and had to pull away.

"I said you! Not-not me!" I almost was offended over this. Dan huffed and slipped his sweats off.

"Never know why I even put these on." He muttered under his breath as they went to the side of the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Danny!" I barked at him and was met with another kiss. Dan pulled away and was panting.

"Blow me." he responded breathlessly. I looked to his erection and wiggled my way down. My mouth slid over his thick cock and I let my eyes shut. I dipped my head down and bobbed while swirling my tongue on his head as I came up each time. Dan was exhaling in long puffs as his hand pressed my head down for a moment. I was at his hilt and almost felt myself gag but relaxed in time. I came back up and shot down for something different and Dan's body I felt tense up. "Agh, oh, shit, babe, do that like again and sh-hit" Dan was begging then and I obeyed. My cheeks hallowed out and I let myself drool uncaringly so I wouldn't have to stop to swallow excess saliva. I felt Dan twitch and I felt him grip up my hair causing me to stop as I came back up again. "S-Stop, I-, agh, fuck, I need you on your hands and knees if this is still happening, babe." Dan was out of breath from holding back. I could hear his voice straning and I was wondering how he taught himself such discipline.

"Yeah, I still wanna." I confirmed my answer and crawled back over to where I was laying. I stopped resting on my hands and knees as Dan shifted to behind me. I felt him pull my legs back softly and a tongue invaded my area gain. Dan's mouth licked, sucked, and dominated my core. I thought I was going to cry from overstimulation, but instead my muscles all locked and it was a moment before he had me a third time technically. I felt my fluids drip and suddenly Dan's fingers dabbed into them.

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