Chapter Fifty-One

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"Babe?!" Dan chuckled to me as I felt my eyes grow wide, "Honey, it's okay I'm not proposing, silly!" he sat up and pulled me into him. His chest rumbled as he chuckled while trying to calm me down. "I was asking would you, as in would you marry me if I do!" Dan laughed harder as I blinked up at him getting it.

"Y-you're not?" I had to make sure. My voice came out smaller than usual. Dan shook his head and kissed my hair.

"No baby! Geeze how terrible of a man would I be?! Just ask you frantically out of nowhere after we just got back together!" Dan looked away shaking his head.

"THEN WHY DID YOU LOOK SO FUCKING NERVOUS YOU ASS!" I let my panic drain finally and it came out in a yell. I swatted his shoulder as he now howled.

"B-because! I was! Hell I never right out asked someone before if they'd even consider me if I did!" Dan threw his arms up and laughed now out of embarrassment. It dawned on me quickly what he just declared.

"Wait!" I said wide-eyed again. I climbed into his lap so I could face him. His surprised face was back but now was mixing with a confused expression as well. He blinked at me as his arms wound around my lower back. "Did you just admit that you never proposed to someone before? Or ever like thought about it?!" I almost screamed in shock at him. Dan blankly stared at me thinking about his words.

"Did-did I say this?" Dan acted innocent and oblivious. I bounced on him knowing he'd crack because if I were to continue the motion he'd be revved up but nowhere to go.

"Baby!" I barked at him. He was starting to literally chub after a moment and finally held me down.

"Okay, yes! I said it that way cause indeed I have no tried to be wed another woman!" Dan smiled awkwardly. I folded my arms in victory and then had a thought.

"Okay, why?" I asked bluntly. Dan let his head fall back with a sigh.

"I- I honestly couldn't tell ya! Seriously I never have I guessed, wanted to?" Dan looked back to me and I saw his face fall.

"I thought you, ya know, loved, Shan-" I tried to ask, but was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine. Dan held my head steady with his right hand. He shoved his tongue down my throat and I grabbed up his shirt in my fists. We made out for a moment before he pulled away with force. His breathing was hard like mine was but his expression was almost terrifying, but sexy.

"I will say it once. Understand me?" Dan stabbed a finger to me and I nodded. "After you left and I spend only two, godforsaken, awful, hurtful, nights with her, I came to the truth of it. I. DID NOT. LOVE. HER! I am in love with you! NOT HER! JUST. FUCKING. YOU! I never asked her to do shit with me because I think deep down I knew it wasn't real. Trust me, I totally sound like I'm mad at you, and baby I promise, I'm not at all, just I knew it was comin'. I knew the question was coming! So for the last time, she, was never the one. Okay?" Dan held my shoulders as I took it in. I believed he wasn't mad at all and I let it click. I smiled at him as he closed his eyes and breathed out in relief.

"I promise, I believe you, Dan. No more, I promise." I whispered softly. I reached him to hold his face as he placed his forehead on mine.

"Good. Cause you are the one who means the world to me, along with Arin and the clan, okay? No one else is going to take your place in my heart, mind, and soul, [Y/N]." Dan kissed me less aggressively. I felt him slip his hands under my thighs and lift us off the couch. He tilted his head to the side as I nuzzled his neck while wrapping my arms around his neck as well. "Now then, I am ready for snuggles and bed, what's your take on it?" Dan asked softly as he opened the door to his room. I yawned loudly realizing I was tired.

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