Chapter One-Hundred-Nine

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When we reached the elevator everyone had pretty much been anticipating bed a lot more than when we had left. It was a far walk, no, but the timing definitely had everyone worn down. Dan had me resting against him in the right corner while he leaned back against the wall. Suzy and Arin leaned on the other beside us as well. Mark decided to sit on the floor knowing he had the third floor while Arin and Suzy had the fifth floor with Dan and I.

"Good night all!" Mark waved as he stepped out when his floor came up. Everyone seemed to have mumbled some rendition of 'good night' and 'see ya' as the door closed. All of barely shifted with more floor space as we ascended higher. Eventually it hit fifth floor causing everyone else to peel ourselves from the walls and exit to our rooms.

"Night guys!" Dan hugged Arin and Suzy both quickly so I could step in as well.

"Good night you two, if you guys need us we're 501." Suzy said before she yawned. I stepped back to lean on Dan as we waved again turning down the hall.

"I'm so dead right now." I mumbled almost in his side. Dan's arm squeezed me closer as we approached the room finally.

"No worries babe, we're here. Just let me get it open." Dan fumbled in his pockets for the card for a moment. I leaned against the wall trying to stay alive.

"Come on Dan, before someone sees us out here and tries to rape," I let a yawn out having been fighting it, "you." Dan found the card finally in his leather jacket and swiped it smiling.

"Oh babe, the only one who has a right to rape me is you." Dan shook his head and booped my nose as I managed to shuffle inside the room. Danny shut the door behind us as I stepped more to the bed. With a small sway I bounced a couple times landing on the pillow mattress spreading my limbs out. Dan I heard chuckle as he came and stood over me. I looked up at him and tried to smile, but a yawn had my face contorting funny. Danny chuckled more before leaning down over me to kiss my forehead. I let my eyes drift shut, but made sure it was only to relish in his attention for a moment as he brushed a soft hand through my hair before standing back up.

"Why'd you stop?" I almost whined quietly. I blinked my eyes open to see him smiling down at me with his hands on his hips. He made a 'come here' motion with his pointer finger still wearing a huge, but tired, grin. I stood off the bed slowly and felt my right hand being taken. Dan led me to the bathroom with no words and I wondered if he really was going to make me stand longer in the shower he said he wanted to test. I was lucky though because he let go as I was in the doorway to go start a bath. I smiled to myself as I stepped further into the bathroom. Dan was in the middle of getting his shirt off when I smirked dark to myself thinking about it. I let myself let go of being so tense and reached to slide my hands gently up and down Dan's torso as he finally got the shirt off revealing the culprit.

"Hey, do I know you?" Dan asked biting his lip and grinning as I got closer to him. I felt him pull me by my hips closing the gap I had left and I just then let my hands rest on his bare chest. I giggled internally to myself as I looked from my hands to his face again.

"Oh Danny Sexbang, how could anyone ever be as funny and talented as you? Will you please have my babies and leave your fiancé for me?" I mimicked a terrible fan earning a throaty chuckle from him. Dan breathed out through his nose in a smaller laugh before he thought of an answer.

"Well, uh, I do love that kind request, but sadly, I love my fiancé even if she's not my fiancé yet, but I'll let you believe so, and I apologize but I'm not ready for kids." Dan and I both giggled as he played along just letting the tension in him disappear as well. He rested his forehead on mine as he gently rested his hands on my hands smiling warmly to me. "I take it that is all you heard, huh?" Dan quietly asked and I shook my head before resting it on his chest when I moved to hold him to me.

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