Chapter Seventeen

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I digested Dan's frozen smile and it hit me. "You- YOU PLANNED THIS?!" I shoved Dan slightly and he erupted into laughter. I looked quickly at Arin whom threw his hands up defensively and I jumped up after him.

"NO! I SWEAR, [Y/N] THIS WAS THEM DICKS NOT ME!" Arin stammered and pointed passed my head. I stalked him until he back hit the wall. He begged for mercy and I felt him flinch as I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you!" was all I squeaked. Arin hugged back after I heard Dan assure him I had nothing planned. I looked back up at him and he let go. I stepped back and took in the room again. I had woke up a mess this morning. I had believed this was it. Now? Things, a career even, was working out. I inhaled and everyone waited for me to say something. "Okay, okay, I am terrible at this, but you guys are awesome! I have never expected this. I'm sure until now, neither have you!" Arin nodded with Suzy whom shrugged with a smile. Ross shrugged as well but then grinned at me. Barry laughed and shook his head 'no'. Suzy I noticed had her hands behind her and I looked up and down. Arin giggled and nodded to me.

"Give it to her. She needs to be reunited!" Arin chuckled. Suzy stepped forward and held up my hoodie. It was dried and resigned. She turned it to the back and Arin had reinstated my title. On the back in big, white marker, in the Grump Font, were the words "Honorary Grump". His signature was to the right corner and dated as well. I let happy tears fall as I hugged it tight. Suzy squeezed my shoulders and Dan had again jumped up to hold me.

"Still really sorry that you almost lost this." Dan muttered into my hair. I peeked up at him and was grinning.

"I can say, I'd rather this," I held the hoodie up, "was worth it. It brought me to you!" I smiled bigger and Dan agreed.

"Yes, yes it did, and we can thank my clumsiness as well?" he shot for credit and I tapped his chest with my hand and let him have it.

"Why not! I guess we can do that!" I said thoughtfully. I heard a concerned noise come from Arin as he looked at his phone.

"We have to fucking go, like now. We need to make it to board guys." Arin looked at Dan and I and I looked at Dan.

"Just, agh, pack your shit Daniel and meet us there please." Arin noticed they were going to be late. Danny nodded as everyone grabbed their things. Dan hugged them all goodbye and I was waved too as they piled out the door. It shut behind them and I turned to look for Dan's things. He put a hand out and stopped me before I knelt down to his backpack. I looked up to him and he had a straight face. I cocked an eyebrow and he put an arm around my waist and led me to his bed.

"What?" I asked quietly even though everyone was gone. He tilted his head and I saw his hair lean over in tuffs. I ran a hand through it and smiled. This will never get old.

"Babe, are you sure? In all total, fucking, legit, honesty, do you want to up and move and come work with us?" his sincere tone took me for a loop. I could tell he was trying to be selfless and it warmed my heart. I never imagined this opportunity to land at my feet. I countered his question.

"Do you feel comfortable having me do so?" I watched him sort of lean back and hesitate. I let him think about his opinions and I was giving him a chance to back out.

"Personally? I think you'd do amazing with it! I just, timing, and what if it's really really soon?!" Dan began to freak out and I hushed him softly. He shook his head and breathed out.

"Baby, I'm ready when you're ready. You are the one who is completely new at commiting and I am in no rush if it means you're going to be okay." I stroked his stubble and he slowly closed his eyes.

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