Chapter Eighty-Six

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"Dude! It's totally," I overheard Dan laughing then saying in a deeper dramatic voice, "Pineapple, The Return!" I felt my eyes close unwillingly and my lips tighten harder.

"Right! You were so freakin' cute on Table Flip like this! I couldn't stand it!" the girl squealed again. I inhaled slowly and opened my eyes to a pause screen. Arin was watching me silently remain aggravated and had a look of worry on his face.

"Little One, you know this happens, right?" Arin touched my shoulder. I looked at the floor and nodded slowly and reluctantly. I was working on just accepting that he was entertaining her. The buzz of the rest of the party I wished would overpower my sensitive hearing, but it didn't. I even tried to find Ross's voice in the crowd from where I sat and had no luck. I was only human, yet I was a human whom was jealous over no reason she was sure. I looked over to Arin whom was resting on his right hand that propped up on his knee. His blonde streak fell on his face softly and he huffed, blowing it away. We sat there as I noticed he finally picked up on what I was listening to.

"...I honestly had cut off my circulation from it, but thanks! Maybe it'll be a new look for me!" Dan's voice rose in tone as he sounded enthusiastic about the hair thing.

"Well call on me to put it up for you in the morning, eh?" the girl suggested with a giggle. I bit my lip then really hard and just listening to her dig a grave for herself.

"Um, if you can get passed [Y/N]! She will definitely fight you on that, no joke!" Dan tried to hint to her that I did indeed exist. It made me relax not even barely until she just had to respond.

"Oh come on, since when are you one to let a woman lay down what you can and can't do. Here, I know something I can do for ya then, let me get you another beer since I'm running low!" she sounded so giggly. I couldn't tell if she was buzzed or just naturally bubbly. Either way she was getting deeper under my skin. I almost jumped when I felt Arin move.

"Wh-where are you going?!" I almost panicked as Arin spun around pointing to Dan. I blinked to where he stood turned talking to one of the other guys. I tried to find my future dead body and found her getting him and her another drink. She even popped the lid off and smiled to herself. I slid off the sectional and exhaled. My feet casually took me near her to fix my vodka and sprite. She barely looked up as I scooped more ice into my cup. I grabbed passed her the vodka and poured a little more than I had before I was sure.

"Can you pass me the sprite?" I nodded to it and she handed to me without another glance nor word. I poured till about the third higher line on the cup and grabbed a mixer. I mixed it quickly to take a swig. I leaned back on the table where she stood making her girly drink as well and shrugged. "So I hear you work in this building as well, what's your channel name?" I asked innocently. The girl turned to me and had a look that sent more irritation down my spine. I kept a poker face that had me wondering if I looked like Dan when he was interested in something someone had to say. My eyebrows were raised and my eyes looked to hers curious. She blinked a couple times before answering.

"Uh, well, honestly that info is wrong. I am indeed an employee, but not an actual 'Youtuber' persay." She made air quotes and looked like she had to be somewhere. I nodded and took my time just talking to her like it never bothered me she had my boyfriend's beer in her hands that seemed to be gripping it a little too tight. She was either nervous or annoyed with me.

"Ah, yeah I just started here too. Gotta say, it's pretty cool to be working in the same place for some of my favorite internet folk!" I smiled proud and she smiled out of such fake courtesy I almost wanted to tell her not to bother.

"Right, yeah, I love the Game Grumps! Dan especially, I mean Barry is cute, but not as much of a charmer nor looker as Mr. Not-So-Grump himself!" she smiled then more excited and I smiled back nodded casually. She indeed had no idea who I even was.

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