Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hey you! Hope you got in alright. Cameras are here and I'm so bored, but I guess that I can use my time to look for a place to live huh?

I hit send with a sigh. My laptop was indeed still packed and I was stalling to grab it. I knew I needed to get hunting, but I was so tired. I huffed again while crawling off the bed, figured I mine as well look at least. I booted it up and heard my phone go off. I was thankful I had been smart and left it on vibrate. I saw Dan had replied back.

                Yeah I did. I just got out of the shower though. Barry has been keeping them busy. Is it a terrible move as a friend with just taking my time because I absolutely do not want to talk to whoever Barry has been discussing shit with? By the way, what's Arin and Suzy doing? Do you know?

I laughed quietly at the thought of Danny hiding in the bathroom. Poor Barry! I went over what I could hear from earlier as my fingers tapped the keyboard. I hit send just letting him know plainly what was going on. I clicked on my laptop Google Chrome and started it up. The wifi here was freaking amazing as I opened up multiple tabs with information on different apartments. About all of them asked for an arm and a leg. I blinked over this thought as my phone went off again.

                Oh well good, I'm glad Arin kinda got to the point. I have to probably watch my texting due to I have no idea how nosy these people are, ya know? I mean feel free to respond and shit just I'm sorry now if I come off as a dick, haha!

I nodded at my phone as if Dan could see it. I figured we're treating this like at the con. We text when he can. I found it silly, but again understood Dan's point. I personally would want me to be the one to share my happiness, not some uppity Netflix crap.

                I get it, babe. By the way, never accused you of being a Dick, well, okay, lately! I mean as in today, lol. So also, these places for rent, um, I am not made with this kind of price range. Know anything that is more...affordable? PS...LOVE YOU!!

This was going to be a hassle. I could see it. If Dan had no idea, I honestly was screwed. Just for now really. I mean I'm sure Arin could help. He seems like a good person to know. Something caught my attention as I heard Arin's phone ring. He asked the crew to hold on a moment.

"Uh Buttface, what's up?" he greeted someone with a laugh. He immediately started marching toward the hall and I heard him clearer, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE SCREWED?!" Arin yelled. It was a long explanation because Arin was silent. "So wait," he laughed at whomever on the phone, "so Barry gave them a tour again and walked in your room, as your bed was covered in-" Arin laughed harder as it hit me who was calling him. Dan must have been freaking out over his bed for some reason. I mean we didn't destroy it. I shrugged while Arin said his good-bye after discussing that yes they all will meet up here so they could film one session and take off. My phone was buzzing almost too quickly and I wondered how Dan texted so fast.

                So um we totally forgot something. Youuu wanna guess? :/

I was so lost in what we could have forgot.

                Um, did I like leave my phone charger there? I'm so confused!

I sent the message and Dan's replies came through fast.

                Well my love, Barry decided to tour the house for our lovely guests. I told him already ya know, show them the place, include my room if I'm not out by then. He did and they have, ON FILM, my bed covered in fucking rose peddles! How the fuck does this even keep happening, I totally must have the worst luck or something!

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