Chapter Fifty-Five

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After about two rounds worth of episodes Dan and Arin finally declared their day done. I wound up with my legs across Dan's watching contently by the end of it. Arin turned off the systems finally and noticed how I was sitting.

"You look comfy!" he said with a smile. Arin tossed his legs over mine and I was met with his bare feet. They of course were dirty as hell and I tilted my head up so I didn't have to see them. Dan groaned at all the weight on his knees, but laughed as well.

"So I just will remain here, trapped." Dan said rocking back and forth with a goofy look on his face. Arin nodded and thumbs-upped him with a smile and a wink.

"Yep!" he said cheerfully. Dan blinked at him and then looked over noticing my end of it.

"Oh god, [Y/N] how in the world have you not thrown him off of you?" Dan scrunched his nose up knowing what Arin's feet were like. I made a face clearly not okay with the idea but dealt.

"My feet are gorgeous THANK YOU!" Arin defended himself. Dan shook his head and pointed to my face still.

"That face, says no, not really!" Dan giggled as I nodded with what he said. Arin wiggled his toes and I cringed.

"Please, Arin, come on!" I turned my head away and felt Arin try and inch towards me.

"LOVE THEM! TELL ME THOSE AREN'T THE MOST AMAZING SET OF FEETS EVER!" Arin loudly challenged and I notice Dan was trying to help me out by lifting Arin's feet away from me the closer he scooted.

"THEY'RE THE WORST FEETS!" I yelled back and Arin pointed with his toes at me and made spooky noises.

"ARIN COME ON! YOU KNOW IT'S GROSSING ME OUT!" Dan finally piped up clearly not having anymore. Arin scooted back and I watched Dan jump up throwing Arin and mine's legs down and doing a full body chill.

"Y-you okay there Danny?!" Arin cracked up as Dan continued to look mortified.

"Dude, you know how I feel about them monsters!" Dan chuckled as he pointed to Arin's feet. Arin frowned and looked back up at Dan with a puppy-dog face.

"They're not that bad." Arin said pouting. Dan shook his head disagreeing.

"No, dude, they are!" Dan chuckled. I stood up finally and shook my head at Arin as well.

"Okay, whatever, at least Suzy still loves em!" Arin declared defeat in a way and I thought about how dinner plans were gonna go.

"Okay, so! Double date? Food? Whatsup!" I said cheerfully. Dan nodded now thinking and looked to Arin who shrugged.

"Well, uh, why don't we ask Suze, she might have somewhere in mind!" I suggested. Dan and Arin liked the idea and we headed for the stairs. I stopped in front of Dan and looked to Arin. "Okay, do you see me climbing these?" I asked slowly. Arin shook his head with an evil grin.

"No! I see you standing there pretending you're going to!" Arin said sternly. I sighed and just followed behind Dan as he giggled at the on-going argument at hand. We all got to the living room and Arin asked us for a minute to go talk with his wife. Dan and I took another couch and waited patiently. I leaned into his side and hummed softly content with the quiet and comfort for a moment. Dan kissed the top of my hair and I felt his head rest on mine. I closed my eyes happily enjoying the moment when a sigh caught my attention. I opened my eyes to Dan looking deep in thought.

"You okay?" I asked quietly. Dan's head snapped to me seeming as though I startled him.

"Wha- oh yeah I'm fine hun." Dan kissed my hair again and pulled me closer to him. We went back to the quiet for a moment before my curiosity took over.

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