Chapter Two

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A couple months passed on and more talks about what they had signed up for appeared on Steam Train and Grumpcade as well. Ross seemed interested more in the locations for they have not been to certain places before. About the time of May I found myself without breaking habit, watching an episode of Grumpcade with Ross and Barry playing a game.

"I just noticed, we have been all over, yet I am seeing we haven't quite yet. I mean I've traveled to some places, but some cons on here are either new or not that popular." Ross explained as Barry jumped on another platform in the side-scroller they decided to take on for their play-through.

"Yeah but that means maybe we'll be asked back and have more tons of fun!" Barry said in a monotone voice due to concentration, but tried to be excited.

"Right, I mean I love meeting "Lovelies"! Meeting even more of them makes me do the happy faces, yay!" Ross cheered.

"Yes, everyone loves your happy faces, Ross!" Barry piped up quickly.

"Except Dan, 'cause he is jealous of my, erm, happy faces, and awesome-ness, right?" Ross waiting for Barry's reassurance to the joke.

"Yeah, that is totally it, kind of, maybe, you should ask him I think." Barry chuckled a little. Just as Ross was going to reply Dan walked in the room and over the mic you can hear Dan scream, "No Ross, I'm not jealous- Goddamnit and your fucking happy faces are creepy!" Danny stifled a laugh on the last bit and before he turned to leave Ross cheered another "yay!" Seconds after you hear a sigh and the door shut.

"Oh the love that is in the air right now between you two." Barry commented with a laugh as he progressed on with the game.

"I wonder why he is so upset." Ross innocently wondered. Dan must have not been far because he came back in and loudly said "Because Ross, just because, I'm thinking of your goofy face now and I hate it!" Another laugh and the door shutting for final time as Dan exits, you hear Ross almost shrug when he still plays along that he doesn't get it. The ongoing joke of the rest of the time was how their playful love hate friendship even got started. Eventually another episode down for the time being, I kept getting more and more excited to go in July. I already had a ton of the checklist I had made done and now it was just the big waiting game to not-look forward to.

During this waiting period I had chosen to go dressed as simply myself. Wear my green Tanooki-Mario shirt and just a pair of jeans with my black converse high-tops. Seems simple yet the green stands out for some reason which is what I sort of looked for. I'm not one for "Cos-playing" but I do enjoy those who take the time for their characters and go out and just have fun with it. After finishing putting the outfit together in a bag, I grab the small package with my letters to Dan, Arin, Suzy, Barry and Ross. Inside the package is a mock-plaque that has them being the "Ultimate #1 YouTube Channel of All Time" and I made my signature down on the bottom of the title as the "Director of Opinions Whom Matter". I laughed to myself at the silly thought that I have come up with. Each letter being for them to read later on because they were lengthy. I held a small pride for the thoughts again because I hadn't seen the idea used yet.

I slowly piled my necessities into a backpack and made sure to grab a hoodie for the later nights. Of course the one I chose had to be my favorite one. It was worn, but it was mine and I almost had a "security blanket" attachment to it. The entire thing was black with the Grump toon-heads on each side of the zipper and the logo of "Game Grumps" down both sleeves. I had found a custom website and splurged on myself. I hugged the hoodie for a second and threw it in the back of my Chevrolet S-10. I was about a week ahead of schedule now, but while I was in a more than less of a rush, I wanted to not forget anything. This was going to be a one shot thing and I was not going to ruin it for myself.

My friends mostly declined on making the trip with me. I'm sort of into what they call "the weirder" side of the internet. Where the "geeks" lie and "fangirls" are aliens that are creepy to them. I wasn't afraid to go alone, but sometimes company is nice to share this sort of thing with. I shrugged away the thoughts and sat down on my couch to relax for a moment. I noticed myself getting overly-excited to a point where I would bring on a panic -feeling. I would become scared that maybe it was too much. Maybe I should leave the letters home and not put pressure on them. Then again, it was all in my head. I wasn't being drastic, I wasn't being outrageous it was one simple gift and a few thank you letters.

I looked over at my controller across the room and decided to drown myself in a playlist or two for the night. I always fell asleep best to Arin and Danny's play-through's and obnoxious laughter. I chose my favorite one of "Super Mario Sunshine" and selected "play all" on the screen. I turned over onto my side and let myself fall into a peaceful sleep, laughing as my mind turned off for the night.

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