Chapter Sixteen

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The alarms that went off and the chaos that erupted had me freaking out as I shot up from Danny's hold. Suzy was cleaning, Arin was packing with a mug of coffee in his hand, Ross was wrapping up cords, and Barry was folding clothes up into a large suitcase. I started to move and arms snaked around me. I heard a throaty whine come softly from Dan. Suzy froze took over at us and giggled at the sight. I investigate the giggles she had made and realized we fell asleep on a bed of popcorn. Dan's hair engulfed his face and he was glued to my side. I smiled down at him and ruffled his hair. Arin cleared his throat and I looked up at him.

"Try and wiggle away from him and come here." Arin whispered across the room. I shifted and counted to five. I shifted again and counted to five again. I repeated this and made it off the bed without waking him. I walked over to Arin as he leaned on the counter. I sat in one of the chairs of the bar and he passed me a coffee. "Cream? Sugar?" I looked over to see him pointing.

"Sugar is fine." I smiled.

"One lump or two!" Arin sounded like Joe Elliot from Def Leppard and I stifled a laugh. He stirred it in and I took a sip. I made an approval noise and he leaned back in front of me. "So, uh, what do you wanna do about that?" he pointed to the dead body across the room. Dan snorted and rolled over. I turned back to Arin and sighed.

"I want him to just be happy. That's it!" I felt my emotions create a lump in my throat that I forced to swallow. Arin nodded slowly.

"So we board at around," he checked his phone, "noon? Yes, uh, noon. So you have two choices." I made a face for him to just continue on. "You can drive him and we'll meet you there, or I can get him up now, so he can pack up and leave with us." I looked back over to him. He was out like a light still and I frowned. I felt a weight of unsureness fall on me and I sighed.

"I like option three." I whispered.

"Hmm?" Arin said thoughtfully. I looked back to him. Tears had streamed down my face and I whimpered. He let me find my voice and I looked down at the floor.

"How about I go check out, I pack up my truck, I head home, change and meet you all at the terminal?" Arin raised his eyebrows and made a face.

"Really? You-you don't want to just drive him? Have some time before he has to go?" Arin looked disappointed. I shook my head no.

"I would rather it be that way. He'll have you guys keeping him up and together. He's gonna need you guys around him. I'm not going too, so the comfort of him already being ready to be back with you guys and not meeting you guys and missing me more, it works." I sniffled and was shocked I got that much out. Arin stepped around the corner and hugged me tight. I sobbed into his black Starbomb t-shirt and he rested his head on mine.

"I get it. I kinda see what you mean. I'm so sorry, [Y/N]." He almost whispered it. I let him hug me. I couldn't push the thought out this time. It was the fact that these guys accepted me. They understood me. I have had the best time of my young life with them and I will miss them all! I looked up at Arin and I shook my head as tears kept coming. "What else?" He muttered.

I looked over to Suzy and pointed to her and Ross and Barry. None of them noticed but I sighed heavy and had to say it.

"You all. You all have made my weekend worth so much more than a first convention. I-I have friends, and they love me, but they aren't as passionate about me as you all are about each other. I never felt so much support in such a small timespan. Arin, you-you helped me so much and you have no idea. Suzy too! She is the chick friend I've always dreamed of. I know I give him a hard time, but Ross is pretty damn awesome as well. Barry, man he is the shit! An amazing editor and he cracks me up! You all are hilarious and I just, I love you guys as one and individually. You really are more than your channel and I am so goddamn grateful to have gotten this chance to see it! I-I'm so scared not to miss just Dan, no! I miss you guys already!" I sobbed loudly after that and Arin hugged me tighter. Suzy noticed and came over and took me in her arms as well. I felt her shake and heard her sniffle. I buried my face in her shoulder and clung for dear life. I felt another set of arms as she passed me on to Barry. He held the back of my comfortingly and held me really tight. I peeked behind him and Saw Ross tearing up but trying to not show it. I left Barry's arms and almost tackled Ross.

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