Chapter Three

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My alarm went off the morning of my trip to finally begin to meet the Grumps. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my "drive outfit" and went to quickly shower. Who knew I could actually be a morning person when I wanted. After getting changed I brushed my hair and teeth and grabbed my converse and headed for the door.

"Phone, purse, money, bags," I was naming stuff I needed on myself, out loud, and I barely said 'tickets' before running back inside. Whilst cursing at myself through huffs I grab the lonely tickets and pass off the table, lock the door, and finally throw myself in the truck for a great day at Great Lakes Comicon. I plugged in my phone to my stereo and hit play. Without looking to see what was going to be first, I laughed to myself as Danny's voice rang through my speakers in his soft singing voice. My phone had decided for a relaxing start to my trip by playing "Hands on the Water" by Skyhill, one of Danny's other projects he did before YouTube knew him as "Danny Sexbang". I almost sat back in a euphoric state of mind and let him sooth my anxiousness and racing thoughts. I was growing more and more nervous each milestone I passed to get there.

I checked my GPS after a while to be sure I wasn't lost. The drive to the center it was being held at was not extremely far, but far enough for me. I was almost there by 20 minutes. I compared the time with how my traveling was going and realized I was going to be early regardless. Which was fine, since I planned on staying overnight I was going to be able to check into the hotel comfortably and have a second to relax. While my thoughts trail off to how this could go, my phone begins to play the new Starbomb album. Hearing it maybe five times, I sing along to most of the songs when I paid attention to which one was on. Big difference to how far Danny's vocals had come, Arin's raps had come through as well. I will say I may be a huge fan when it comes into light. Oh well.

I get off my exit and see the turn for my room for the night. I was almost cut off by a black, Chevy Cobalt that had a rental sticker on the back. Huffing at some people's rude choices I find a parking spot and notice the rude driver has parked in the one next to me.

"Great, this is going to go well, just how I wanted to begin my great weekend!" I said loudly before I opened up my door to get out. I noticed that I never saw the driver due to tinted windows, but who is choosy when their car is almost swiped. I have my back to the individual whom I was more than likely not going to tell off when I heard them start apologizing.

"Dude I am so, so sorry about that move, my radio was being a dick and I guess caused me to be a dick and almost end us in an accident. Are you okay?" the voice behind me sounded sincere. I shrugged my shoulders as a bent down to grab one last bag out of my cab. I spun around and decided to reply.

"Hey man-" I paused as I wrapped my hoodie around my waist. I looked up and was unable to continue due to the fact I was caught like a deer in headlights. I felt like it was forever to stand there and try and remember what I was going to say. Before me was a 6'4, tall lanky man, his narrow face and sincere eyes waiting for me to chew him out. I scanned him and his large crop of hair one last time before my vocal cords continued. "I get it? I'm sorry um, I know who you are, and if you give me a second to be over the initial factor I almost thought about giving you hell when you are one of the panels I came to see-" I babbled like the idiot I was and he just stood there and listened with a growing grin on his face. "Okay, yes it was a scary moment, and your radio should be less of a dick and you should pay attention. There, now I feel really bad for saying that. I'm sorry." I looked down at my feet and he chuckled before he spoke.

"Well, I am the one who was irresponsible, and you are only sorry because I can see by the amazing hoodie, by the way, you're a fan of us. I'm just a person, man. Give me what for! I almost caused both our days to suck, majorly!" he didn't move as he let his point sink in. I thought about this for a moment. He was entirely right.

"You know what, yeah, you aren't the Queen of England or anything, and I guess I shouldn't be sorry." I tried to crack a smile and he beat me to it.

"Exactly, but hey I have to go meet up with the others, again my apologies, I'll definitely be sure to make time for ya at the signings and stuff. If that would make up for it?" He shrugged a little trying to seem sincere. I narrowed my eyes at him and laughed a little.

"See now, now you're using the Queen of England way out of a situation. Really Dan it's fine, if you really feel sorry about this and want it to be 'just another person' situation, treat me like the rest and take my forgiveness, which comes easy, and go on about your day, alright?" I felt a small drop in the heated air. I didn't know how he would take it. I looked away for a moment before he spoke again as he started back to where he needed to go.

"Good point, meets a good point, so we just forget I almost hit you?" Dan had a weird face going on, almost like he was waiting for me to ask for something. I nodded my head yes and he stopped walking for a moment after he almost let it go. About 20 feet away he turned around and threw his arms up, "No, there's gotta be something I can do, cause now I feel bad and you're being way too nice about this now, could you like key my rental out of rage or something?" He raised his eyebrows and I was laughing.

"So you want me to vandalize a rental as punishment? That is what will make you feel better?" I almost forgot who he was and stopped myself from going up to him like he was just an old friend who I was joking with. Strange how fast the nerves went away now that we are in this situation.

"Well yeah I mean, 'everyday-normal-people' get all pissy and do some crazy stuff man! And I saw your face before you got out, you were so ready to just 'mmm I am gonna mess this guy's car up so bad!'" he emphasized his "mmm" with the motion of hitting the car with a bat. I was rolling at his acting and had to hold up a finger to let him give me a sec to breathe.

"N-no I wanted to, but I am just not, I'm not that person. I am usually calm and collective on a million occasions where I shouldn't be. So no I am not going to wreck your rental, I am gonna let you go free and I will see you later on at the panel and signing." I folded my arms and he lets his arms finally relax at his sides. Taking out his phone he made a sour face at it as if it had been a problem as well.

"Okay look, I really have to go because people expected me back now- ten minutes- ago and I have been standing out here begging for mercy because you are in all rights to like hurt me over this. Since you won't and seem to be too good at killing with kindness I must accept my punishment. I guess I shall bid you adieu and see your less than angry face later on?" He bowed for a moment as if I were letting him free of a crime and I was the Queen of England now. I giggled and he looked up still in bowing position and smiled.

"Yes! Danny! Yes! Just go before they all think I plan on kidnapping you or something weird!" I laughed as he jumped back upright and almost was like a hyper puppy all in a matter of seconds.

"It's a date then! Thanks for not kidnapping me by the way and a totally interesting conversation. I do not think those two phrases ever are going to be said again in the same manner, but hey first time for everything right!" He and I shared a laugh and I said good-bye to him as he jogged to the door to the lobby. I was left staring at the rental and had an idea.

I took out an envelope and drew a key on the car and stuck it in the windshield wiper. Under the sketch had the sentence 'Here I keyed your car, was nice meeting you' I signed my name on the bottom in small letters. I leaned back on my truck and ran through what just happened. Technically after all the times I made fun of how Danny would be the death of me, I was almost right just in a literal sense as of today. Interesting how that works. I grabbed my stuff after finally clearing my head and with a smile and made my way to check in.

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