Spoiled endings- ricky olson

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I sit against a tree in the park reading a book and enjoying the time I have alone. My headphones in my ears, playing castle in the clouds by Alister. I always found it sound relaxing, I have met Emerson Barrett before and had a long conversation about the music itself how much I love it.

I pay no attention to my surroundings, only the words in my book. I lift my head to feeling the strong breeze of wind on my face, luckily the beanie on my head kept my hair from going everywhere, only to see a man sat leaning on the tree in front of me also holding a book in his hands.

His eyes skim the page, and he smiles. I assume something happened in the book. I take this time to take in his appearance, dark, a large beanie keeping his shoulder length hair in place, eye liner and black makeup around his eyes. Two lip piercings on the same side with black hoops filling the holes.

Suddenly, his head rises and his eyes are now on me, at first his expression is blank, like he's thinking. He then speaks up, "In the end they fall in love." He says softly with a slight smirk resting on his lips. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him confused. "That's how your book ends." He adds his eyes retuning to his book.

I scoff lightly, he spoiled my book.

"They die." I said just as loudly so he can hear me. He looks up again catching gaze holding the same confusion I did.

"Your book, that's how it ends." Is all I say, to which he smiles to and for some reason my focus isn't on my book anymore it's now on the man.

The man who sits at the same tree to read a book.

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