"Hey!"- josh balz

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I walked into the kitchen making my morning cup of tea, my hair all matter and knotty from just waking up, I open the fridge to get some milk pouring it into my tea.

"Morning y/n" I hear my brother say.

"Hi Angelo.." I mumble still not awake enough to socialise. "Y/n, do you know what time it is?" I hear him ask from the living room.

"Early. Leave me alone" I put the used spoon in the sink to be washed up later, I'll make Angelo do it. He's a sucker for my puppy dog eyes.

"It's 1 in the afternoon" I roll my eyes walking back through the living room to the stairs. "Exactly, early." I tell him.

"Dude, your sibling is hot." I hear a new voice.

"Hey! That's my sibling, Josh!" I turn around seeing my brother and three other people. "Y/n, go put some clothes on" I look down seeing I'm in and oversized shirt and tiny shorts.

I gasp before running upstairs. "Or don't! I don't mind!" I hear 'josh' yell then a slap echoed through the room. "Ow!" I shake my head with a smile before going upstairs to change.

I changed and went back downstairs feeling like I should probably actually meet Angelo's bandmates at some point. He's been in this band for a year or so now, but I've never been interested in meeting them, new people weren't my kind of thing.

"Hey y/n" I wave sitting on the couch next to Josh. "Hi I'm Balz, but you can call me anytime" I laughed at his cheesy pick up line. "Nice to meet you Balz"

"Don't mind him, I'm Ricky" I hug him the best I can while still sitting down. "I'm Chris, nice to meet you" I smiled hugging him as well. "Im Ryan,"

"And I'm Tj" I hugged them both a little awkwardly, why were there so many of them?

"Balz! Get your feet off the table" Angelo yells shoving them off the coffee table, mum would not be happy if she saw that.


"Balz! Where's my car keys?" I ask my fiancé frantically searching the house, I was going to be late to work.

"Right here my love" he appeared with my car keys in his hand, I take them from him before rushing to the door but I'm held back by an arm wrapping around my waist. "Josh, I'm going to be late.." I tell him turning around in his arms to face him, he smirks kissing my lips gently.

"Alright now I really have to go" I try to leave again but he doesn't let go. "Just be a little late-"

"I said that last time and didn't end up going into work" I sighed but he kept his signature smirk. "I don't see a problem.."

"Not today Joshua, I love you have a good day. There's left overs in the fridge" I kiss him one more time before rushing out the door and going to work.

He was needy but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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