Ill always find my way back to you- Emerson Barrett

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We stood at the entrance of the maze debating on which way we should go. "I think we should go left."

"No, it's definitely right y/n." I sighed before Emerson suggested something. "You go left and I'll go right."

I nodded and smiled before he pecked my lips, "first one to the end." He counted down from three and we both ran in separate directions. It quickly came apparent to me that I had taken the wrong direction and I'm completely lost.

"Emerson? Em!" I yelled hoping he'd hear me but I got no response, how big was this maze? It didn't look that big on the picture, I began to panic trying to go back the way I came. "Emerson!" I tried calling him and he wouldn't pick up, I was lost.

I hit into something hard while running and felt myself fall but something held me up.

I crewed my eyes shut waiting for impact but it never came, "shhh I got you ma cherié, you're safe. It's okay.." Emerson's sweet voice calmed me from my state of panic, I couldn't be more grateful.

He held me close as he lead the way out of the maze where his siblings were waiting, "ha you got lost! We win!" Remington yelled rubbing it in, I tried to smile but if I did I think I would cry.

"Remington! Shut up!" Sebastian scolded him probably seeing the way I was, I didn't want to ruin his fun so I laughed and brushed it off. "It's okay." I smiles but they could all see right through it.

I held Emerson's hand while we walked around the horror night, "so you're scared of being lost?" He asks me out of the blue, I shrug not knowing how to answer. "Yeah I guess so, I'm scared of losing someone close to me. I'm scared of being lost." I explain. I feel his grip on my hand tighten comfortingly.

"I'll always find my way back to you.. no matter what, my dear." I smiled and step up onto my tiptoes to kiss him.

We spent the rest of the night hey scared shitless by scare actors, it was well worth it thought. We had many laughs.

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