Bestfriend- vinny mauro

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I loved my job as the merch girl for motionless in white, it meant getting to see the world with my closest friends and my boyfriend.

I felt bad for the other members of the band who couldn't see their significant others while touring but I was lucky and could see Vinny every day. I was very thankful for it.

Warped tour was getting hotter for sure and stranding outside all day wasn't helpful, "oi shithead make sure you drink water today" i smiled at the familiar voice of Vinny. He appeared beside me and kissed my cheek, "who you calling shithead, asshat?" I smirked giving him a quick hug and taking the water bottle of water from him.

"You, obviously. Make sure you drink it all, I'll be back to see you after the set. Stay safe" I pecked his lips once more. "Drink water when you can, it's hot out here. Don't pass out, you'll look like a little bitch" I told him, he laughed and kissed my head before running off to play his set.

I was thankful that me and Vinny have the relationship we have, when people first meet us they see us as nothing more than close friends from the way we treat each other. We bully the shit out of each other but we wouldn't have it any other way, we preferred having more of a joking relationship.
He's my best friend, that's how it started out, him being my boyfriend was just a little surprise.

I sold merch while I could hear motionless faintly in the back, hearing music all day was a blessing. I got the usual shit from people, today is was mostly middle aged men upset at the fact I don't have the shirt they wanted.

"I'm sorry sir, we are all out of those at the moment-" I was waiting for the yelling and soon enough it happened-

"What kind of merch table are you?! Shouldn't you have everything?!" I sighed and handed him a shirt that was similar in design.
"This is the closest we have to what you are looking for" he grumbled but paid for it anyways.

The day just seemed to drag on, soon enough arms wrapped around my waist. "Hello!"

"You stink, go shower" I told him giving him a small peck on the cheek. "You stink all the time, and you don't get sweaty like I do. Smell like doodoo" I laughed loudly falling back into his arms seeking comfort. He seemed to get the message and just held me. "Bitch- I'm out here putting up with your fans' shit. People piss me off" I whined to him, he just chuckled.

"Oh put up with it-" I cut him off by turning around in his arms to face him. "Oh fuck off" I giggled. "How did your set go?"

"Not too bad, I think it went really good. I hurt my neck from head banging" he complained. "Rock on, spaghetti shaped king" I joked, he gasped playfully.

"I'm built like a fucking noodle" he said looking down at himself. I picked up his arm and squeezed his muscles, "limp noodle" I commented.

"Says you!"

"I haul these fucking boxes everywhere, I'm hench." I showed him my muscles and there were truly nothing there. "Excuse me! Can I get some help around here?" I turned around to be met with another guy who had a drink in his hand, clearly alcoholic. "What can i help you with sir?" I greeted leaving Vin alone for a moment. "Well I wanted help 10 minutes ago but you were too busy not doing your ducking job to notice" I knew for a fact he was exaggerating but I just bit my tongue and nodded.

"I'm sorry sir, what did you want?"

"Just a shirt" he snapped his hand down on the table with the money under it. "Alright" I grabbed the original MIW shirt for him hoping he wouldn't complain anymore. "Here you go, is that all"

"I wouldn't want to waste my money on this shit anyways." He commented, why do people feel the needs to be dicks?

"You should put a condom on your head, if you're going to act like a dick you better dress like one too" my head looked over my shoulder to see Vin who didn't look too impressed, "oh you're the drummer of motionless! Can I get a picture?"

"No- you can go get fucked though and learn some respect for women." I tried to hold back my laugh but let a small smirk slide. The man turned red with anger but just turned around and let with his shirt.

"Oh my god, why would you do that?!" I asked him, what if something gets posted about him now?

"I couldn't care less, only I can be rude to you" he pecks my lips gently, the simple kiss calming me down immediately. "Thank you, baby"

"Of course, let's get back I want hugs" he told me with a serious look on his face, I giggled and kissed his nose. "You still need to shower"

"I don't smell!" I ran back to the bus having him chase me, I knew a crew member would clear up like they always did for me, just to give me a hand.

I fell into the couch with a laugh. "All I wanted was some fucking cuddles, how rude are you?" I laughed at him earning a laugh back. "You two flirt so strangely, you're so stupid" Ryan commented from the other couch, by now Vin my was sat between my legs letting me run my hands through his hair.

"You're so stupid you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel" he just chuckles with a small shake of his head.

"That was a good one y/n, I'll give you that" he replied not sure on what to say. I saw vin hold
his hand up, i high-five it and laugh loudly.

I love these guys..

Shoutout to the discord bunch who helped me with this😭

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