Worth living for- ashton irwin

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Tw// suicide mentions

It was late into the school day, to say I was fed up was and understatement.

It was the last day of school until summer break, school was tough and I was failing everything. It didn't help that I had teachers constantly yelling at me to do better or that I will get no where in life.

I know this already, I was too busy focusing on keeping myself alive let alone bothering in school. I had nothing to live for at this point.

"We have 15 minutes till the bell goes for the end of the day, let's have a class discussion. What do you want to do when you've left school?" Mr Irwin asks.

The truth is, I didn't plan on coming back for my last year of school. I didn't plan on doing anything in my future, I didn't plan on living that long.

"You tell me what you want to do and I'll give you a candy, simple" the class cheered at the mention of candy. I was too busy doodling in the back of my book to take any notice of what was going on around me, I had a headphone in to keep myself from going insane.

"What about you Mia?" He asked curiously. "A model, for magazines and stuff" she said to which he nodded putting a piece of candy on her desk.

"Jeremy, what do you wanna do?"

"Football player, sir" they both smiled. "You're very passionate about your sport, well I hope it goes well"
He gave him the candy and continued to go around the class.

"Y/n?" I was brought out of my thoughts when he called my name. "What about you?" He asked leaning against his desk. 'Dead' I mumbled but no one heard me, thankfully.

I shrugged not knowing what else to say. "Alright, not everyone is gonna know what they want to do. Have fun over the summer class, remember home work is due first day back. See you guys soon" the bell rang and my class flooded the halls desperate to get home for summer break.

I shoved my stuff in my bag slowly so I didn't bump into anyone in the halls. There were too many people to go out there now, it would be a disaster.

"Y/n, what do you want to do when you're older?" He asks again as I walk towards the front of the class his question makes me stop dead in my tracks.

I shrugged once again. "I hope you stay strong, you've got this. I promise you it gets better" he smiled handing me a pack of sour patch kids. My favourite..

"Sir, I-" he cut me off with a warm smile. "Please be careful and take care of yourself, I hope to see you back. Text me if you need anything" he flips over the bag of candy in my hand to reveal a phone number scribbled down in sharpie, presumably his.

"I-I cant-" I whisper.

"Tell me.. what do you want to do?" He asks for the fourth time. "If you could do anything with no strings attached, what would you want to do"

"A photographer.. I just know I won't get the grades for it, besides I know I don't have the money for it either" he keeps a gentle smile on his face.

"Can you wait just 20 minutes here? I have something that I think you might want but I will get a friend to drop it off" I had nothing to lose. If I get murdered it's not like I'm gonna be mad-

"Uh sure.."

"I can call your parents to say you'll be a little late back if you would want me-" I cut him off with a shake of my head. "No need, they won't care" I said softly.

I was thinking it was going to be homework but he nodded and pulled out his phone calling his friend.

"Yes will you just grab the box in my closet- no not that one, the blue one... yes that one. Thank you- yep see you in a minute"

"My roommates are going to drop it over, we only live 10 minutes away" we sat across from each other eating the left over candy he has and telling each other jokes, I never realised how nice he was. His laugh is contagious.

Soon the door to the class room swings open. "What's up fuckers!" My head shoots towards the door, a tall, blonde man steps inside carrying a box under his arm.

"Oh shit- you didn't tell me you had a student here" me and mr Irwin both laughed. Two others walked in behind him.

"This is y/n, the stuff is for her. Y/n, this is luke, Michael and Calum. My roommates and bandmates" I smiled waving at them slightly

"Okay, in this box is my old filming equipment, instead of your homework. I want you to bring me back some photos of what you did, it could be food, flowers; anything you desire to take photos of and I'll grade them" my jaw kind of dropped slightly as he showed me what's in the box.

It was full of camera parts like lenses and stands as well as two cameras. "I-I can't do that"

"Please, just take the box it's not like I'm going to use it. It's been over a year since I opened this box, I think you'll put it to good use"

"Ashton you have candy?!" Luke yelled looking through the bag on his desk. "Candy?" Michael said now interested.

"I want some fucking candy, move." Calum shoved his way to the front making me laugh. "Get home before your parents call up and worry"

"they won't worry about me. I don't have parents, thank you mr Irwin, thank you so much I promise I won't let you down" I grabbed the box eager to get home and set up the cameras and left the room.

Ashton's POV

"What was that about? Did you need that stuff?" I shrugged.

"They're suicidal, I wanted to give them something to keep them going and they likes photography" they all smiled and 'awhed' making me blush. They were a sweet kid, though I'm still surprised at the parents thing.

They're a quiet one, just lost in their own mind. I hope they pull through.

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