Disguise- ryan sitkowski

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Y/n's POV

The familiar screaming of my parents, they were on the front lawn not even able to make it into the house without arguing.

I step outside trying to get them inside with no avail, I notice my neighbour, Ryan, watching with a small smirk on his face. He points to his car and shakes his keys, he couldn't be inviting me out right?

He makes my life a living hell.

I furrow my brows and he opens the passenger side door to his car, I sigh walking over to him. "What are you doing?" I asked him, I've never been so confused.

"Just get it I wanna show you something.." I have nothing to lose. I climb in the car buckling you my seat belt as he started the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask now regretting my decision. "You'll see, it's only a 15 minute drive or so." The longer we drove I was recognising where we were. "Why are we here?" He stopped the car, we were on the bad side of town. Crime rates around here hit the roof to the point where the police no longer care.

"Get out." He speaks simply, I obey and climb out of the car expecting him to get out as well, but he doesn't. "Now what?"

"Just bringing the trash where it belongs." He smirks before speeding off leaving me alone here. It was getting dark, anything could happen. The walk home is at least 30 minutes..

I sigh knowing I shouldn't have believed he was doing something nice for one, he liked to torment me and get under my skin.

He knew how to push my buttons and how to upset me with a few simple words. I now wasn't far from home, I could see Ryan's car parked in his driveway.

I walked inside not seeing my parents around, I assume they're in bed trying to sleep. I take a shower feeling dirty, I resent that man so much.

If I resent him so much, why didn't I hesitate more when he told me to get in his car?

I stood under the boiling stream of water as it ran down my back, I was growing tired so I finished up and threw on my undergarments.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a shrilling scream that ran chills down my spine. I ran to the window peering into Ryan's across from mine, I watched as his body writhed around the queen sized bed.

"Ry? Ryan? wake up! Ryan wake up!" I threw the first thing I could get my hands on which happened to be books, at his window trying to get his attention, I could hear his heart wrenching screams even with his window closed.

I sighed in defeat and threw on a shirt, I ran downstairs in my underwear and shirt only and sprinted over to his house. His door was locked of course, I desperately checked under the door mat and under the plant pot finding a spare key.

I unlock the door letting myself in and closing it behind me, his screams only get louder as I rush up the stairs. "Ryan?!" I shove open his bedroom door and sit beside him on the bed, "ry.." I rest my hand on his shoulder hoping to calm him down.

He shoots up from the bed and swings his fist almost hitting me, he stands up staring at me. His breathing is uneven and heavy.

"You're okay.." I assured him holding my hands out in front of me, what I didn't expect him if for him to wrap his arms around my back and hold me close.

I didn't hesitate to hug him back and comfort him. "What are you doing here?" He asks, his hot breath on my neck. "I heard you scream.. I had to help, I'm not a monster.." I tell him sincerely.

"I didn't mean to wake you." His tone is soft, it's nothing like anything I've ever heard before. He's vulnerable..

"You didn't wake me."

"Are you in your underwear?" He asks after a moment of silence. We both laugh at the state of me, "I only had time to throw on a shirt I was getting out of the shower!" I giggled.

"You ran outside in your underwear for me?" Even in the dark I could see his eyes, I watched as a glint of something, I couldn't tell what it was, flash through his eyes.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" I questioned as he laid in his bed. "I'm so mean to you. I don't deserve this." I sigh and shrug slightly.

He pats his chest and beckons me over to him, I lay next to him and he pulls my leg over both of his. I lay comfortably on his chest hearing his heartbeat return to normal.

"What was your nightmare about, if you don't mind me asking."

"My father was a piece of shit. I get them often so I'm used to it at this point." I didn't expect an answer from him, I knew tomorrow we'd go back to hating each other but I don't mind. He needed someone in this moment and we pushed everything out of the picture just the night.

"I'm sorry.." I feel his arms around me get tighter. "I don't deserve you, y/n."

"No.. you deserve more."

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