Quarantine- ricky olson

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Ricky's POV

"Hey what's up guys, it's Ricky from motionless in white and I'm here in my house. I'm in quarantine just like everybody else and I'm gonna answer some of your most burning important questions." I speak into the camera, I've always found it awkward to just speak into a camera and have no one reply. Chris has been pestering me about this and I told him I'd do the video so I can't back out now.

"How do you keep busy during this time?" I read from my computer which had the question lined up on. "There were couple questions like this, and other asking what should you be doing during this time and what suggestions I have." I chuckle at myself and his stupid I sound but carry on.

"Well I can't recommend something for everyone to do, I myself have just been trying to stay productive and I'm a huge advocate for learning new things and bettering yourself. I've personally working on stuff in two or three months from now is going to help me as a person in thing that I enjoy. So yeah," I swing in my chair slightly trying to occupy myself while I answer these questions.

"Have I ever gotten a band tattoo?" I think for a moment. "I have two band tattoos, I have a heartagram behind this ear and a shitty AFI leaf behind this one that was done by a guy in Austin, I think it was Austin, and he blew it out and now it just looks like a turd on the back of my ear. I have long hair to cover it so thank god for that." I laugh to myself picturing the tattoo I have in my head and how bad it really is.

"Funnest memory with each other." Immediately a memory of one of our earlier tours appeared in my head.

"There was this one tour that we were just playing halo non stop. Everyone was just in the front lounge, we were always playing halo, it was always on. We would wake up and play halo, go to vip, go to sound check, then go play the show and come back to the bus to play halo again. I think that's one of my favourite memories, I have no clue why it just is." I was cut off from my next question at the tiny taps of my dog's feet on the laminate flooring.

"Yo, cm'ere, cm'ere" I click my fingers trying to get him to come to me so I could show him but he was being stubborn. "Come on, I have to show the world you, because people are asking- no you can't leave- well people wanted to see the dog and he came in and left so, sorry." I read the next question, I wanted to get this over with quickly there's something awkward about talking into a camera with no one around.

"Is it true that you're naturally a blonde?" I tilt my head down to show my growing blonde roots. "Can you tell?"

"It's been a rough couple of months, usually my partner, y/n, dyes it for me but of course we haven't been out to get dye and stuff so I haven't kept it up to date." I smile softly at the thought of y/n, they're probably napping somewhere in the house.

I sit and answer more questions feeling a little restless but I power through and keep giving my honest answers.

"If you have a pet, please share" I chuckle thinking about going to get fester but I didn't want him to get angsty with me. "I tried to get him to come in here earlier and he wouldn't, Uhm-" I was cut off by y/n holding fester just in the frame of the camera so they could see his head poking into frame.

I laughed at them and pet his head. "Y/n has so kindly brought me fester so I can show you." They come into frame with fester in their arms and crouched down so the camera could see the both of them.

"So this is our dog, fester. He's a miniature pinscher, people requested that I show him." I looked over my shoulder and smiled at y/n who stood behind me in my hoodie with fester in their arms. I took fester and set him in my lap. Y/n wrapped their arms over my shoulder. "So yeah, that's it. That's all dude they just wanted to say hi." I speak to fester, "he's been wanting to come in here, he's been sat outside the door. I let him in and he walked right back out." Y/n giggles petting fester who has decided to curl up in my lap.

I feel a gentle kiss pressed to the top of my head making me crane my neck back to look up at y/n. They lick the end of my nose, I scrunch it up and wipe it off looking back at the camera.

"Ew!" I secretly kind of liked it but that's not at all camera friendly, we'll keep that behind closed doors.

We both laugh and turn back to the camera, "we should wrap this up, you wanna end it with me dear?" I watch in the lense seeing them nod.

"Alright, i answered your questions and y/n helped bring the dog. We both hope you're staying safe out there and staying inside if you can help it. See you soon" we wave and I shut the camera off.

"Why did you lick my nose?" I ask setting fester on the couch in the office. Y/n shrugged, I pulled them into my lap and kissed their neck.

Their breathing became shallow, "we should go to bed.." I suggest watching as y/n leaned more into my hold. I ran my hand down their inner thigh teasing them.

"Mhm." They hummed but I smirked as I had other plans.

"Yeah I'm kinda tired, I'll see you in a few hours y/n I'm gonna go take a nap." I set them in the couch heading them whine and follow me up the stairs.

"Hey! Ricky you can tease me like that!"

"Not my fault!"

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