Calories- gerard way

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TW// eating disorder, please don't ready if you are daily triggered I would hate for anyone to get injured by reading a stupid chapter in my book
Please stay safe <33


I can't seem to stop, I told myself it was only a one time thing but now I can't stop myself.

I need to be a size 0 maybe even a size 00.

"Baby what do you want to order?" Shit; Gee asked me, we were at a table with his brother Mikey, ray and Frank for some dinner. It was nice seeing them all together again, it's been a while.

I knew he would eventually ask and I just hoped and prayed he wouldn't catch on.

"I'm not hungry right now, I'll just take off of your plate" I try to laugh a little to cover up the awkwardness of this conversation. The other three laugh with me.

He doesn't even crack a smile. He knows me too well, he sees right through my lies.
"What have you eaten today, sugar?" He gives me a knowing look, I flash him a small smile. Ive made this lie before and it's worked, I just hope he doesn't remember it.

I knew exactly what to say, "I had a bagel and juice before we got here, while you were in the shower" he frown still staring straight at me.

"I ate the last bagel this morning..." Fuck.
Fuck fuck fuck...

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