What is going on?- motionless in white

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'It was all just a dream' part two :)

The call ended and I was yet again plunged into confusion, I called up my long time friend who I knew was a fan of the band, Abbie.

I waited for her cheery voice to fill my ears before telling her what was going on. "Hey y/n what's going on?"

"Abbie crazy shit is going on, you know motionless in white?" I ask with a sense of desperation in my voice. "Who?"

"Motionless in white. The band with Chris, Ryan, Justin, Ricky and Vinny in it?" I asked now more confused than before. "What are you on about y/n?"

"Motionless- their popular song is Abigail and your favourite song is creatures and-" she cuts me off. "Who are you on about? Creatures? Y/n are you okay?" I ended the call quickly feeling so frustrated that I could cry.

"Y/n! Someone left this on our porch!" I ran downstairs at the voice of my mum, she was holding the varsity jacket.. I took it from her thanking her before running upstairs.

The jacket exists but they don't?

What the hell is going on?

I flop down on my bed figuring it's still just a dream, a lucid one at that. How is this possible, I fell into a restless sleep like before but something bugged me and I couldn't put my finger on it.

I woke up to the sound of light taps on my window, I furrowed my brows walking to the window. I swing it open and look below to see the band, "well you took your time. You weren't picking up your phone!" Justin smiled with a hand full of stones. "What is going on?" I asked out loud.

"Are you alright y/n?" Ricky asks, he was concerned and ready to go into overprotective big brother mode. "Yeah.. I think so"

"Pack a bag! We got places to see!" Vinny yells earning a smack on the back of his head from Ryan. "Don't wake the whole street up!" He whisper yelled while Vinny rubbed the back of his head.

"Why?" I asked curiously but I wasn't apposed to the idea of going with them.

"No school, no parents, you'll be free. Come on." Chris convinced and I couldn't resist at the idea of having zero worries and responsibilities on my back.

I chuckled and packed a bag throwing on my jacket.

They helped me climb down and stand on the ground safely, we walk back to the car and Chris turns around to look back at me from the drivers seat. "Glad you joined us once again, y/n." I couldn't help but smile and cuddle into Vinny like we always did.

"Let's get this show on the road!" We cheered and Ricky turned on the music, the sound of ice nine kills filled the car.

We drove for what felt like hours but I didn't once feel an ounce of worry, I knew I was safe with them and my mum knows them really well. She always cooked them vegan cookies and other treats to keep them going.

"Y/n L/n has been missing for over a month, their mother and best friends are extremely worried but no evidence has been found regarding their disappearance. If you know of anything to do with the disappearance please call **** *** ****" the voice of the news producer spoke over the video which broadcasted to the world.

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