I am a tree now- Justin Morrow

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Tw// alcohol

Part two to 'father figure- Justin morrow'

I watched the conversation slowly ignite and burst into an argument faster than I could blink. I watched it happen from the top of the stairs, I watched Justin defend himself and yell back at my mother.

Rage flowed through his body like a red mess has taken over his body. I knew I shouldn't be watching this but I couldn't help it when I was the thing they were arguing about.

"Then maybe you should just go! Y/n doesn't need you and I will take care of them since you're doing such a shitty job at looking after them like a good mother should!" He screamed, that ended the argument fast.

Maybe it was faster than I would have liked, she walked out and little did I know that would be the last time I would ever see her.

I stood to my feet, out of sight and took myself to my room. I slammed my door harshly and grabbed the bottle of vodka I kept hidden in my closet. I didn't want to cry and seem weak, I'm not weak. I am fine.

I took a few swigs from the bottle hissing at the burn it left in my throat. I felt the familiar euphoric feeling overcome my body, I felt just fine now. All my issues washed down with the alcohol.

I finished the bottle which didn't have much in but it was enough to get me stumbling around my room. "Y/n!" My door swings open to reveal Justin just as it about to face plant the floor.

"Hello!" I hiccuped with a small giggle, "you drank again.." Justin sighed, thought he didn't seem disappointed at all. Over the few years he's been in my life I had learnt to adjust to him being around. I liked the idea of another person caring about me, in some ways it was a good thing and others not so much.

I had let myself get attached to him easily.

"I'm not drunk! How dare you!" I yelled but of course I giggled giving away I wasn't mad with him at all.

"Well let me see you stand up straight then." He chuckled playfully, leaning on the door frame. I fumbled around until I stood up with my arms straight by my side. "I am a tree. Look how fine I am. Just like a tree." He burst into giggled, "come on let's get you to bed."

I came over and picked me up, "trees don't go to bed! Trees don't get a duvet!" I argued in my drunken state that Justin only found amusing. "Well this little tree does. Goodnight kiddo." He kisses my forehead softly, "will you stay with me? I just need a hug." I sigh feeling my eyes become heavy.

It was extremely rare that I would ask for a hug let alone physical touch at all; it just wasn't my thing.

"Of course.." he climbed into my bed beside me and pulled me into his chest, "are you okay with this?"

"Mhm.. thank you." I once again feel a soft kiss pressed to my head. "Get some rest love. You definitely need it." I simply hummed and held onto him tightly life my life depended on it.

The next morning was deadly.

Not the hangover part but the sadness you could simply feel radiate and bounce off the four walls of the house. She had left us, she had found a new lover and now it was just me and Justin.

All this time I was worried about Justin leaving me after coming into my life but never did I think I'd physically watch my mother walk out on me. On us.

When it had finally hit me and processed in my mind that I had now lost both of my parents, a giant wave of sadness crashed into me which only felt like a prison with no escape. A black, dull hole swallowed me up and I felt helpless and betrayed. There's a point that these 'wounds' from being hurt repeatedly begin to become deeper and deeper; so deep you have to allow yourself to feel the pain.

My heart was a shattered piece of glass and played with until it broke into unfixable pieces. Justin and his band were the only people I had right behind me with bottles of glue and tape frantically trying to pick up the pieces that flaked to the floor.

Each shard they held, they held like it was the most delicate thing on earth to them; the only people I had to lean on for support.

No matter his broken it was and even if their was missing pieces it would always be perfect to them.

We both sat cuddled in my bed in a melancholy environment but it was comfortable with each other here.

"It's just me and you y/n... it's just us, I'm sorry.." I knew he only felt sorry for me but I wasn't the only one hurting. He lost the person he loved just like that.

"As long as you're here I'm just fine with it being the two of us. You kept your promise, whatever happened between you and my mother I would always have you. I would have never guessed that I would lose her but I guess it only showed how much she truly cared about me. I love you dad.." I felt his heart skip a beat against my cheek.

"God I love you too kiddo."

We were both hurting only we tried to hide it from each other just trying to be strong for one another. Was it healthy? Not at all but I knew It would all be okay eventually.

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