None of your business- remington leith

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"Can I please go to the bathroom?" I ask putting my hand up, even if they said no I'd still get up and leave. "Mhm." The teacher replied, annoyed that I ask every lesson. 

I walk to the bathroom, I pop open the window so I don't smoke out the bathroom. I sit in the stall grabbing my vape and the bottle of vodka I kept in my bag.

1 sip turned into many and 1 hit of the nicotine turned into more. I sat there alternating between the two.

10 minutes later I grab my bag shoving the half empty bottle of vodka in it and the vape, I head out of the bathroom feeling like shit.

I entered the classroom again, I sit at my seat in the back corner, my head buried in my desk with my hoodie covering my face. I let the alcohol run through my system distorting my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" The girl next to me asks. Lifting my head, I nod with a fake smile. She just looks at me, not believing me.

The bell rang and I squeezed my eyes closed covering my ears, it was too loud. Nonetheless I grabbed my bag and left the classroom, I left school not wanting to be here anymore and it was easier to leave while students flooded the hall. No teachers noticed.

"Miss l/n!" I kept walking with my head down and my bag slung over one shoulder. "Miss l/n! I'd like to see you in my office please." I spun around at the voice of my head teacher, Mr leith. 

"I-I'm going home."I told him quietly trying to hide the obvious slur in my voice, "come inside y/n.." I sighed before following him inside, by this time the students were in their fourth period class so the halls were empty.

We walked to his office in silence. "Take a seat y/n" I sat opposite his chair as he closed the door and took a seat himself. "How are you doing?" This wasn't the first time I've ended up in his office, I was always in trouble and finding myself in his office.

"I'm fine" I told him.

"How's home?" He asked, home was shit as always but I wouldn't dare tell anyone that.

"I've spoken to your younger sister." I hummed remembering that I had to grab food from the cafeteria for her. "And? Why do I need to know that?"

"Well she told me what she saw you putting in your bag, why did you do it again?" I sighed pulling my beanie over my head a little more as I felt it slipping.

"I've got nothing in my bag sir, now if you don't mind I really want to go home-" he cut me off. "Give me the bottle y/n."

"No I don't have a bottle and even if I did it's none of your business." I told him sternly, he just sighed.

"Your sister doesn't lie-"

"I know because she's perfect alright, I'm going home okay. End of." I grabbed my back with a slight stumble and stormed out of his office. I had a copy of my sisters timetable, she had science.

I went to reception, "hi, May l/n has to come home for a doctors appointment." The office worker smiled telling me she would go get her. Within a few minutes the happy face of my little sister came running around the corner and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Hey kiddo, let's get home." She nodded and we left school together, usually I would pick her up from school if I left but I didn't need mr leith pulling her from class and talking with her. She was too young to understand.

"What did you tell me leith, May?" She shrugged. "He asked if I was okay and I told him I was, he also asked if you'd been drinking again and I told him I saw you putting a water bottle in your bag." She didn't know what was in it, I had raised her and her innocent mind had no clue what was going on around her.

"It's okay just don't tell him anything else, alright?"

"Alright!" She said. "Promise?" I asked holding out my pinkie. She wrapped her around mine and kissed my hand. "I promise." I smiled and kissed her back before letting go and we walked home with her telling me all about her lessons.

She was smart for an 11 year old. Really smart, I'm glad dad wasn't ruining that for her. I was clearly doing something right.

"Go up to our room and I'll bring you up dinner" she nodded running up to her room, low and behold dad was passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand. I went to the fridge where my sandwich I got from school yesterday was. I put it on a plate for her and made her a glass of water to go with it.

I took it up to her, she was sat on the bed watching the tv. "Here you go may.."

"Thank you y/n" I nodded sitting next to her. we shared a room and a bed for that matter, we didn't have much but I made sure she has everything she needed. She had a future ahead of her where as mine was already over.

The doorbell rang bringing me out of my thoughts, I told her I'd be right back and ran downstairs hoping my dad didn't reach the door before I could. I opened it a little to see mr leith and two other men with him.

I closed the door again, the house was a mess he couldn't see this. "Y/n open the door please.." I sighed before cracking it open the tiniest bit, only to where he could just see me.

"These are my brothers, Emerson and Sebastian. You left this at school, can we come in please?" I shook my head dismissing them. I didn't care what it was I could get it tomorrow.

"Hi mr leith!" I heard from behind me, May ripped the door open revealing all behind us. "May!" I moved her out the way and pulled the door closed again. "May go back to our room please I'll be one minute.." I told her but she was too interested in me leith at the door

"How are you doing May?" He started conversation with her, she perked up. "I'm good! Is this Emerson and Sebastian?" He nodded with a chuckle. I suppose they spoke more than she told me.

"Yeah, these are my brothers." He said again. "We'll it was nice meeting you, thanks for bringing my notebook. I'll see you tomorrow." Before I could get them out the door May tugged on my hoodie. "Y/n.." she whined.

"Not tonight May.. darling you have to do your homework, have you done it?" She nodded rapidly. "I did it in a sub class we had today"

"One minute.." I walked into the living room turning up the volume the tv infront of my dad and closing the door behind me. When I walked back into the hall, May had let the three in.

"May!" I whisper yelled pointing to the door where dad is sleeping.

"What? it's cold out there" she protested. "Hey May why don't you show Emerson and Sebastian your homework you did?" She nodded taking the two upstairs, I cringed knowing how messy it was. I felt like crying.

"P-please can you take your brothers and go, I have stuff to do." He rested his hands on my shoulders. "Y/n it's okay, May told me everything. Pack your stuff you can come stay with us" I shoved his hands off and swung open the door.

"Get the fuck out! You can't just come here and walk into my fucking house! Get out!" I yelled, heading the yelling Emerson and Sebastian came downstairs, Seb having May on his hip.

I ripped her from his hold and pushed them out of the door. "Don't come back!" I ran May upstairs and set her on the bed.

"Why cant they stay here y/n? They're nice people.." I grabbed a set of pyjamas for her and helped her changed into them. "No May, they're not. Don't trust them alright, get some sleep you have school in the morning." She nodded and hugged me.

"Goodnight May, I love you."

"I love you too y/n." She pulled the covers over herself hugging her stuffed bear. I sat at the desk across the room going to write in my notebook, it was more of a journal full of small sketches and some stuff I had on my mind.

I flicked to the next clean page where I noticed a number.

Remington Leith
Call me if you need anything, it's okay to need help.
I'll be right there if you need me to be
07** **** ***

Remington? What a weird name. I sighed closing the book and climbing into bed with May, she cuddled into my chest, I happily held her tightly while we both slept.

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