baby- remington leith

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You're Rem's child :)

Nobody's POV?

The band has been on tour for a month and her were struggling with it more than Rem or anyone expected. Remington couldn't bring y/n with him though he so badly wanted to, he's a single parent so he left her with grandma.

Y/n wasn't to keen on grandma and neither was Remington but he had no other choice. Remi and the rest of the band were the only people y/n is really attached to and loved them more than anyone else, so being away from them wasn't her favourite thing.

"Have you been good baby?" Remington spoke to her over the phone. These daily FaceTime calls were the only thing getting y/n through him not being here. Grandma didn't approve of a toddler using a phone and would often cut the calls short which only lead to y/n throwing a tantrum or crying.

"Yep." Y/n giggled, getting closer to the screen. "When you comes home, dada?"

"Soon, I promise. I miss you so much. I could really use one of your hugs right now bug." Remi sighed, noticing the change in mood.

"Maybe you comes home today?" Y/n questioned, giving her father the best puppy eyes she had. They usually got y/n everything she wanted, he could never say no to those eyes.

"Not today," Remington laughed lightly. "But it won't be long. I gotta go do a show, I love you."

"Love you dada.." she said quietly, hoping he could talk just a bit longer. "Alright, sleep tight sweetheart." The call ended and y/n was left alone with grandma again. Her eyes immediately filled with tears.

"None of that." She said harshly. "Girls don't cry over silly little things." Y/n didn't quite know what that meant. "I wan dada."

"Well we can't all get everything we want, now go wipe down the table." She struggled a little having to climb up on the chairs to do it but eventually managed just fine.


Y/n was woken up too someone strapping her in a  car seat, y/n wasn't in the best of moods, she followed after her dad with that one.

"Sleepy.." y/n whined as she recognised the face as her mother, Kaylen.

(A/N: I love kaylen, shes stunning, it's just for the story :) )

Her father and her split up after Kaylen wanted nothing to do with little y/n, she was too busy wanting to be on tv to take any notice of her own daughter and signed away all rights to Remington.

"M-mommy?" She smiled softly and climbed in the driver seat. "Hi darling, go back to sleep sweetie"

"Where going?" She started the car and started driving. "That's a surprise" y/n would have continued to question her if she hadn't already lost her battle with her tiredness and fallen back to sleep.

Kaylen knew how much she and Remington needed each other, y/n and him were partners in crime.
She could see from the media that he wasn't happy and she could only imagine how y/n was doing without him. She had spoke with Sebastian and the tour manager to see if she could join them for the rest of the tour and to her luck they agreed, she was only dropping y/n off; she knew Remington would not be happy to see her so she didn't plan on sticking around for very long.

"I'm here." Kaylen said into the phone as she pulled into the parking deck.

"Alright I don't think we vip until 3:30 and if we want this to work then we will have to waste some time and I'll let you know when the line is almost down." Their tour manager explained to her. He knew how much Remington hated her and wasn't too keen on her himself but this was for his own good.

"Tm/n you know I can't show my face, I'll have to give her you."

"I'll get our photographer, Luis to come and get her. I have to go." The call ended before anyone could speak another word. She sat in the car on her phone while y/n slept peacefully completely oblivious, she occasionally made glances at her daughter through the mirror and often found herself smiling lightly.

Soon she saw someone walk outside with a camera around their neck, she assumed it was their photographer. "Your Kaylen right?" Kaylen nodded.

"She's sleeping please be gentle with her.." at this point y/n was slowly waking up, she instantly  recognised the photographer. "Luis!"

"Hey kiddo!" As soon as y/n out of your car seat she ran to him letting him pick her up. "She'll be fine. Thanks for this."

"Just looking out for them, see you around." Luis grabbed your bags and carried you inside. He joined the line of the meet and greet until it was their turn.

Luckily y/n loved Luis and loved to mess with his camera and equipment.

"Alright one more person! Come on up!" Luis waited until they were completely done before making her way over. Everyone contained their excitement at seeing her until Remington turned around from drinking some water. "Hel- holy shit it's my baby!" She jumped from Luis' arms and ran to her father.

"What the fuck? How-" he asked looking at his bandmates. "I didn't know until now." Emerson exclaimed pinching her cheeks lightly while she hugged her dad. "It was my idea. I got someone to drop her here don't worry it was all safe I made sure if it." Seb explained.

"I don't care I have my baby." He hugged y/n tighter and she only hid in his neck missing his hugs.

"Y/n can we get a hug too?" Emerson asked holding his arms out slightly. Y/n shook her head hugging her father tighter.

The band gasped playfully, watching her practically disappear under her fathers coat. "Yeah, that's right. Fuck y'all this my baby." Rem joked making his way backstage with his child.

"Maybe he'll be less of an asshole now." Andrew said catching up with her and rem desperately wanting hugs from her as well.

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