Where the flowers grow- Tj Bell

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The screaming of my brother and my mum was interrupted by gentle taps on my window, I sigh dropping my sketch book on the bed and swing open the window. I often got this noise but I just ignored it thinking it was the tree tapping against my window.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask the short, black haired kid I know as Tj, my science partner. He's the only reason I look forward to my science lesson, she always finds a way to make me smile.

"I wanna take you somewhere" I giggle and shake my head. "I can't I'm busy"

"Please y/n, you'll have fun I promise!" I still shook my head and sighed softly. "You should go Tj."

"Is that your parents?" He must have heard them as he stepped closer to the house, it was something I didn't want him to hear about. My home life and my school life are two completely different things. I want to keep them separate but he's pretty much my school life, he's what I associate with school and now he's here..

"It's my brother and my mother, my dad bailed." I sighed out. He tutted, "I'm sorry, will you trust me and follow me?"

I looked back at my door figuring I could use a break from the argument and looked back at Tj. "What do I wear?" His smile grew at my acceptance and he began to climb the tree that lead up to the window to my room.

"Can I come in?" I nodded biting my lip and helped him in so he didn't fall, "be quiet, il left my ass kicked." I laughed quietly.

We went through my closet and he pulled out a small black dress I haven't worn in a while and fishnets, "this is perfect.."

"There's a reason it's at the back of my closet Tj.." I said as he held up the hanger. "Give it a try." I nodded walking to my bathroom and changing into the outfit he chose, "how's it going?" He knocked o knocked on the door. I should probably hurry up. I don't want to keep him waiting.

I stepped out and we both stayed silent.

"You look beautiful, y/n" I couldn't help but blush at his compliment, I slipped on my docs to finish up the outfit.

"You ready to go?" I replied with a yes and we climbed out to the tree, "can you run?" I shrugged and he took my hand, before I knew it we were running down the street.

I giggled and we made it to a fenced off field. "I'll help you climb it, just step over it" I nodded not taking any notice of the field in front of us, he hopped over the fence before helping me over.

He took my hand in his once again and we ran through the field of daisies, I squealed in excitement as we ran through the thousands of flowers.

We stopped in the middle heavy breathing and laid down looking up at the stars, I didn't think I could be this happy with someone.

He makes me laugh, smile and makes me feel okay. I forget everything when I'm with him.

Is this what love feels like?

"Are you happy?" He asks out of the blue.

"Right now? More than happy.." we both turn our heads to look at each other, he uses his elbow to prop himself up and stares at me, his same cheeky smile painting his face.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" I hummed shaking my head, did I want my first kiss to be with him?
I do.

He leans in and I meet him half way, his lips linger on mine for a moment before we pulled away. We both find ourselves giggling like little kids.

We spoke until it was late into the night.

He walked me home his leather jacket slipped over my shoulders keeping me warm, it was huge on me but everything this night is one I'll remember.

"Thank you for trusting me tonight" he said as we stopped at the tree, "thank you for taking me where the flowers grow"

We kiss one more, his hand resting on my face while his thumb danced along cheek. I melted into his touch before the warmth left.

"I'll see you tomorrow in science.."

"See you soon Tj" I climbed back up the tree and watched him disappear down the street.

I think I love him..

I put his jacket down on the back of my chair smiling at the memory that I held already.

No. I know I love him.

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