Helping hand- chris motionless

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I couldn't afford it, but I needed it. How else was I suppose to get it?

I shoved the bag full of baby formula, I couldn't pay for this and it was essential to keep my baby alive. I couldn't care less about myself but her on the other hand, I would do anything for her, even if it meant stealing. The dad walked out on me the minute he found out I was pregnant and we were left alone. "HEY!" I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran out of the store with the guy hot on my tail. I try my best to lose him but he's too fast, I get shoved into a wall and held there.

Am I gonna end up going to jail? How could I fuck up this badly?

"You think you can get away with stealing from my store?" I sighed deeply turning to look at him.  "Look I'm sorry.." he ripped the bag open seeing its contents and his face softens. "You got a kid at home?" I nodded slowly.

"Eight months old, I lost my job and I have no way of paying for her food. Look sir, I'll find the money for it-" he cut me off by surprise. He held the bag out to me. "What?" I ask, confused.

"Take it, I'll give you my number and I want you to call me when you get home. I'll give you a job where your child will be able to come with you as well." I nodded thankfully putting the bag back over my shoulder. "Be careful next time."

"What's your name?" This could be a trap but I give in, the damage is already done.


"Get home safely" he smiles. I nod, thanking him profusely before walking home.

"I'm back!" I yelled as I stepped inside and closing the door behind me. "You're late.." my neighbour, Ricky, reminded me. "I know I got caught.."

Their eyes widen and I watch Jaime walk into the kitchen. "You did?!"

I nodded emptying the bag onto the counter and leaning my elbows on it. I set my head in my hands and rub my face, "he caught me and told me I could keep it. He understood the situation I was in and gave me his number to call him. He said he'd give me a job.." I explain making Grey a bottle since it was around the time she needed to be fed.

"Well call him!" Ricky yells to which I pull out the number handing Jaime the bottle. She happily begins to feed Grey while I hold the phone to my ear with shaking hands.

"Hello?" A voice called through the end of the line.


"Oh, the job, right. I'd like to offer you the job for a merch girl with our band. You'll tour with us and we will pay for any expenses for your baby.. how does that sound?"

"It sounds amazing, what band do you play for?" I ask curiously. "Motionless in white, I'm their singer, Chris Cerulli." 

I look at Ricky due to the mention of his band, I had never met any of them but I've heard a lot about them. "Right, I'll take the job thank you."

"Of course, I can't wait to see you again. Goodbye now" the call ends quickly and I stay silent.

"Well?" Ricky asks stepping closer, he now had Grey in his arms rocking her softly while she slept. "It was a job to be a merch girl"

"A merch girl? Like for a band?" I nodded grabbing a glass of water from the tap. "Yeah.. for motionless in white" I mumble, thought I expected a worse reaction from him. His face lit up and a smile found its way to his lips as well as Jaime's. "No way. Really?! You'll be touring with us?"

I smiled softly drinking from the glass. "Yeah, how does that sound?"

"Amazing! I can be with Grey more" he rubbed his finger over her tiny cheek and smiled down at her. "I can't thank you guys enough for helping me with her"  Jaime waved her hand dismissing my statement. "Nonsense, we love Grey. I guess we'll be seeing you more often" she smiles widely.

"Yeah.. it's gonna be crazy. I go from nothing to being able to work with my child. It's unreal, she's gonna have a better life.."

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