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Kieran let go of Teru's legs and took out his smartphone. He fumbled with the screen to find the contact app.

"Bottom left," Teru told him.

"How do you-? Nevermind." He found Dr. Charles's name and called it, but the ringing never stopped until they heard a monotone female voice. The alpha scoffed and tried again. Just when it got to the last ring, they heard a, "Brother? Did Blaise finally give you our birthday-?"

"Have you left town yet?" Kieran interrupted.

"Yes, I'm en route to Boston for a research collaboration. I won't be back until the day of the yearly equinox party. Is there something you need help with?"

"He's bleeding," and continued describing the location where the blood was coming from.

"Do you have other symptoms?" Dr. Charles asked Teru on speaker. "Or feel pain anywhere?"

"Um, no, some cramping, but I feel fine. Really."

"Still, explain to me the color and quantity, but you should know I can't make a proper diagnosis without me seeing it in person."

Teru removed his light grey briefs to inspect the inside of the material. Kieran stood beside him with the phone in hand.

"It's not a lot," Kieran observed. "I would say it's spotting."

"And the color?"

"Dark red, but some is brown."

"Not bright red? Fresh blood?"


"Hmm," the doctor pondered. "The color signifies that it's old. I'd say it's from a former wound, possibly a hemorrhoid. You two were quite busy for two months. There was likely tearing, but perhaps you didn't notice while under the influence. As for the cramping, well, have you been cleaning out the semen every time? That could be a contributor."

They both coughed simultaneously. No, they have not been washing out his body consistently. Most of the time, yes, but not always.

Their response was all Dr. Charles needed to hear. "This is my conclusion for now, but just in case, I'll send my head nurse momentarily to retrieve a blood sample for testing. I want to rule out any gastrointestinal issues. You remember Karen, right Kieran?"

The color drained from his face. "I do."

"I'll review the results upon my arrival. I wouldn't worry too much. If there's more bleeding, call me as soon as possible so I can make arrangements with a local physician. The other human specialist in the same department is clearly working with Abaddon. For now, I'll fax a suppository prescription to XX Drugstore, so pick that up first thing tomorrow when they open. Do you have other questions?"

"No-," Teru went to respond, but Kieran hung up mid-call. They needed to work on his bad manners of cutting people off.

"Let's change your clothes," Kieran grumbled, not in a good mood. He picked Teru up from the sofa and carried him upstairs. They put their recent argument aside for now, but the conversation certainly wasn't over yet, at least for Teru.

"Who's Karen?"

"A beta who's worked under Charles since she was human centuries ago. That old bat is fiercely loyal to him after he turned her, per request. From what I remember, she had stage three colon cancer, which is a disease with a low survival rate if progressed enough. Karen felt she had more work to do and wasn't ready to die. She's a little...matronly."


That was quick, Teru thought as he changed into comfortable clothes.

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