Mark Me

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Thank you for waiting for me! Let's return to the story.

How are Blaise and Lucas doing in the caves? Will Teru and Kieran make it in time? We will find out in October!


That night, they stopped to rest. They washed the blood off. A fire fueled by the Nolan's holster cooked their meal. The stars twinkled. The cool temperature felt nice, especially to Teru who was purring on Kieran's lap. It was cute how he cuddled with one of Kieran's shirts, probably a lasting symptom of wanting to build a nest.

Kieran had a question. "Little one."

"Yeah?" he answered sleepily.

"What I did to those soldiers...I admit I blacked out and allowed my instincts to go unchecked to protect you. Did I scare you?" He felt nervous, actually nervous, to hear the answer. Kieran was still not used to admitting his faults and wrongs. Though he had been told many times by Teru that he wasn't a monster, there was lingering doubt.

Teru flipped around and straddled his thighs. They stared at each other.

"A little," Teru eventually said.

The disappointment at himself hurt, making him feel unpleasant emotions he had not felt for most of his long life. "I see. Then I won't-"

"Shh, Kieran. What I mean is, I'm not scared of you. I'm not scared like I used to be when we first met and all vampires were my enemy. Those bloodsuckers you killed today were weak. That's why my werewolf didn't step in. But when I saw all that blood on you afterward, I relived your fight with Abaddon. I was really scared during that time when the chance of losing you was high. Perhaps that memory jostled my inner omega into fight or flight. It chose to fight by overcoming the last bit of my nesting. When you fight now, my instincts want to help you more than anything else."

"I am honored you want to defend me. That is a natural response as a bonded pair," Kieran said, putting his arm around Teru's lower back to pull him closer so their chests touched. His small belly bump rested comfortably against Kieran's stomach, sharing body heat through their clothes. "I have said this before and I will remind you again. Though you are my equal, I want you to focus on fighting for yourself first. That is how you can help me. It eases my mind that are safe at a distance. Protecting our pups should be your priority, even if that means hiding from danger while I do the work."

"Then, who will protect you while you're protecting me?"

"Myself, of course. I don't need assistance."

Teru smirked. "That's a prideful comment if I ever heard one."

"I disagree. I'm merely stating a fact."

"My virtue senses are tingling otherwise."

Kieran couldn't help but laugh at the spider superhero reference, a film he didn't even know Teru had watched. The rich sound made Teru smile into laughter, too. They must have been exhausted mentally after the long day because their laughs went on for a while for no reason. It wasn't that funny, but here they were, laughing like it was the most hilarious thing.

When they grew quiet, the fire was dwindling.

"There's enough heat for a final meal," Kieran commented.

"No, I ate too many deer."

"Do you remember all of it?"

Teru made a thinking face. "I'd say most. Just not in my human rationality. Everything was either black or white, eat or starve. I had no guilt when I hunted."

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