[Bonus Chapter] - Conceive: Part 2

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Seeking refuge in Kieran's pheromone-soaked bedroom was not the best place to stay, but Teru was too stubborn to leave and make it obvious he was moving around upstairs. Needing. Wanting. Desperate. So, he stayed put on the bed, enveloped by years' worth of mint scent. It made his senses go haywire, naturally knowing his mate wasn't nearby.

Teru groaned and rolled onto his side when a heatwave surged through him, starting from his groin to the rest of his body. His toes curled. Sweat peppered his skin. Slick trickled out, leaving a small pool behind him. It was excruciating as if fire boiled his insides. He clawed at one of the pillows, feathers spilling from the rips.

This was the most pain he felt since the start of this long heat - Kieran's low core temperature was an amazing remedy to cool down when they touched. Most of all, an alpha had the ability to put out the scorching flames.

An alpha may use an omega to empty their seed, but the same was vice versa.

His instincts begged him to march back down those stairs, let Kieran pin him by the throat, rumble that sweet song of dominance, and knot him for days. Just the thought made him whimper, accidentally releasing a thick tide of heat pheromones.

Teri scolded himself for the slip-up. Any substantial amount of scent he emitted would be smelled by Kieran, no matter how far he was. Teru did not want to give him the gratification that he was struggling, too, regretting the punishing decision.

As a distraction, he gnawed on his arm with sharp canines, careful not to draw blood.

The early night passed slowly. He had a break when the ripple of heat receded momentarily. By how his legs shook and breathing labored, you would think he just finished running for hours. Teru sighed, glad to have gotten through it alone. I need to try to sleep.

But, it would return soon. There would be no resting in this stage of the breeding cycle. They were supposed to be going full swing, drenched in each other's bodily fluids, nibbling on napes, and filling up the penthouse with their growls and moans.

Well, that was what Teru tried to do.

That dummy licked and sort of fingered him for a half hour! Maybe it was longer! Who the hell goes down for that long?! Time was ticking. Though he couldn't figure out why he had an inkling today was important, he just...knew. It annoyed him to no end how they couldn't verbally communicate well in such a state, but Teru was positive he purred what he wanted clearly.

The most frustrating part was Kieran. He undoubtedly fantasized about nasty but mind-blowing ways to fuck Teru left and right. Yet, he did not take action. When Teru grabbed the reins by utilizing the flowery dominant omega command, it must have crossed a line. Before, it didn't bother Kieran too much. He would see it as a pesky fly and move on.

With both of them being weirdly oversensitive now, the attempt to take over was like a stinging hornet to him.

And Teru was unforgiving when Kieran did not give him the release. He kept setting him on the edge before backing off slightly. The pressure remained constant and dull, never satisfying the aches that made an omega's heat unbearable.

It was damned cruel.

Ugh, alphas.

The hellfire kindled once more, fever rising.


Teru roughly grabbed all the pillows he could and made a cushioned moat. Feathers flew in the air. He pulled on the blanket and sheet, wrapping himself as snug as a bug in a rug. His spicy scent turned sour. There was no urge to injure himself, thank heavens.

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