Night Terrors

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Before Abaddon could break his arm, a bright light blinded him. It was dark again.

Blinking his eyes open, he saw the white moonlight above, along with everyone's panicking faces. Teru's head was resting on Kieran's lap, stroking his black, damp hair. He kissed the omega's palm. "Has he ever had an issue with night terrors?"

Teru was confused. Who had night terrors? Kieran looked at Lucas.

Oh, he was asking Lucas about me?

His friend shook his head. "No, never. This is my first time seeing him with one."

"Why are you sweating?" Teru asked in a sleepy voice. In fact, they were all in terrible shape!

Kieran's dark red hair was almost black from sweat. He reached up with the hand Kieran had kissed earlier and wiped away the salty beads falling from his temple. When he pulled away, his fingers were red with blood, blood that didn't belong to him.

It was Blaise's. His partner's younger brother had a hole above his heart, the surrounding skin threading slowly to close. Four faint scratches were already pink in scar tissue, from whatever had scratched his face good.

And Lucas, well, his condition got even worse! What was up with the holes in the back of his neck? Why did they go swimming this late at night? Both he and Blaise were dripping wet!

What exactly happened here? Who was fighting? THEM?!

"What were you dreaming of?" his alpha asked him nonchalantly, nuzzling closer into Teru's hand.

Confused about the entire bloody situation, Teru said in a daze, "...Abaddon. We were in some cave. He was telling me many things that were difficult to follow about Lilith. I think my omega-"

He stopped mid-sentence when seeing his left wrist. A nasty purple bruise in the shape of a large handprint encircled it. Wasn' just a dream? A nightmare?

Kieran followed his line of vision, growling at seeing the injury. He and Blaise gave each other a concerned look.

Blaise eyed the bruise. "Tell us everything you remember."

To the best of his ability, Teru recalled what Abaddon rambled on about, finishing with his dominant side emerging to protect his body.

"I guess that explains what just happened," Blaise commented.

Kieran carefully rubbed the bruise. "That doesn't explain this, though. I've heard of souls occasionally entering the heavens or underworld while sleeping; only if they're desperate enough for a person or the answers they seek. For it to leave a physical mark like this?"

That was when his alpha looked down at him, eyes full of scolding. "Teru, did you fall asleep wondering about Lilith? That was just fireside chats. You should never go looking for something you don't understand. It's common to bring back a sinister spirit after it attaches itself to you. The thing you could've been talking to was likely not Abaddon."

"It wasn't my fault," Teru argued. "Yes, I fell asleep while you guys were talking about her." He thought of his encounter with the spirit. The cave's coldness. The taste of the angel's blood. Abaddon's overall aura of cruelty and sadism. "It was definitely him."

All three alphas sighed. Oh, so they were ganging up on him now for his accidental journey to the fifth trumpet's territory?

"You could have been hurt. Actually, no, you were hurt," Lucas said.

"What you relayed to us about our mother was interesting," Blaise chimed in, "but it's not worth the risk."

Finally, Kieran. He held his injured wrist with the utmost care like it was the most delicate thing. "Promise me not to visit such places again. If by accident, just run and find a safe space until you wake up. Even if you think are in Paradise, it could be conjured by a demon to trick you into lowering your guard. Many possessions start like that. But, I can say that I'm proud that you put up a fight."

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