A Broken Promise

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Teru held himself back, briskly walking. He wanted to sprint to the place he yearned for. It was unbelievable! All those months of crying for home...was this real life? Really happening?

It wasn't even the caves that made him eager. He hated living in the dark tunnels, despised it really. Every step on the familiar path, every glimpse of a tree he recognized, brought him closer to Mom and Hina. How were they doing? Did they think he and Lucas died all those months ago? They would not have known their fates, believing they were gone like Dad.

Kieran didn't let go of his hand in case he tripped over the growing vines across the trail. Weird. The pack members in charge of cleaning always made sure it was clear.

Well, a majority of the scavengers were killed or taken to be sold that day. The pack lost a good amount of people. Duties probably got split. Upkeep would not be a priority compared to food and supplies.

Teru looked at the hand holding his, the same arm he used as a chew toy moments earlier. It was wrapped neatly with old gauze from the van's first aid kit. The wound was slowly healing; not as fast as Teru liked. He hoped the hunters knew of any nearby herds of deer for Kieran to drink-


Teru paused.

Kieran. Blaise. No one here would know what happened in New York. No one would know that we are destined mates. But...everyone would know they are vampires. Our-I mean-their enemy. Kieran's hair is covering the lion symbol on his nape. They won't know he is a prince. At least we changed our bloody clothes. Still, the shock of bloodsuckers waltzing into camp will trigger them to attack at first sight!

His alpha rubbed circles in his palm to get his attention. "You are worried." Ah, Kieran was always good at guessing exactly what was on his mind...most times, anyway.

"They will try to kill you. There are probably some lookouts in the trees aiming for your head with silver bullets right now." Speaking of, shouldn't there have been an alarm already? They never allowed threats to get this close.

"Will Nolan attempt to challenge me, as well?" Kieran seemed eager.

Nolan! Shit! I forgot! Does he want Nolan to challenge him? After everything I told him and my feelings he senses when we bond, Kieran will never forget the pain that asshole caused me.

"Nolan?" Lucas whispered in disgust. "You...know about...him?"

"Nolan? Who is Nolan?" Blaise piped in. "I want to join this tea party, too."

Kieran served it piping hot. "A nepo-baby scoundrel who puts dominant alphas to shame. Used his position as pack leader to put a claim on Teru despite having another mate. Traumatized my omega to the point of having nightmares to this day." The growing muskiness in his pheromones meant he was getting riled up before even meeting Nolan!

Blaise asked Lucas, "Is that really the gist of it? He's not being overdramatic?"

"Actually...Pride's description is...too nice."


"Words alone can never...describe how much...of a cockroach Nolan is."

The blonde vampire grinned, tapping his fingers together in a conniving way. "Oooh! Potentially missing the flight to witness the fight of the century will be worth it."

The sides of Teru's lips trembled, fighting not to laugh. "And Pride versus Avania's King Abaddon wasn't the fight of the century?"

"That was child's play, my tiny sister-in-law. The real battle begins within the hour."

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