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Hello guys, I know I've taken another huge break from this story, mostly because of finishing up my final year at uni, in some part to focus on other stories and also because I was losing the drive to continue this story BUT I am back with some fresh ideas and a want to finish this story!

My first plan of action is a rewrite, I started this story way back in 2015 when I was only 15 going on 16, and my writing style has changed an incredible amount since then. Now, do not fear, the story will stay the same, I would just like to change from first person to second, to include more of Daryl's pov instead of switching up from Piper to Daryl throughout. You are free to re-read as I update if you would like but as the story is not changing all too much you do not have to. To make it clear as I go through the rewriting process, I will add RE-WRITTEN to the beginning of each chapter title so you know which ones have been updated. I feel as though rewriting is going to give me, even more, drive to finish as it will finally be in a style I enjoy! 

My second plan is to recast my OC, with the recent events with Amber Heard, I have not enjoyed imagining my OC as Amber and am therefore changing her to Teresa Palmer, pictured above^ I hope this isn't too big of a change, I tried to make her close to my OC description as I could. She is now our new Piper and I feel good about this change. And with this change will come a new book cover. 

Finally, I would just like to say that I am grateful to everyone who has stuck by me through this story, you are all amazing and I hope you are all doing amazingly! I appreciate every single one of you. 

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now