Chapter 109

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Slash. Slash. So much blood. So much death.  We almost lost it. Our safe haven. Over run by walkers but we did it. We took it back. Not like the farm. Not like the prison. There was more of us and we took it back.

Let me recap a little. After a little while of feeling safe with the walkers outside the gates, the old church tower fell in and took down one of our fences and they came pouring in. We had little time to get to safety and figure out a plan. Leave or save alexandria. After Jesse and her youngest died, and Carl got shot, Michonne killed Jesse's eldest and Rick when on a rampage. We all joined in, taking out the walkers as they came for us. Daryl and the rest returned too joining in out battle and we won.

Carl was okay, he ended up losing his eye but he survived too. We all did, well most of us. It was a long few weeks but we were okay.

Today we were headed out to a new place. A place called Hilltop. On a run a few days ago Rick and Daryl  met a guy called Jesus who'd decided to show up in Alexandria today. A the moment I was stood with Daryl as he worked on the RV. Seemed like the easiet option t travel in, with all the people who want to go, better we waste fuel on just one vehicle that mltiple. 

"Look Piper, I don't know if i want you coming along." Daryl began. 

"Well its a good job I'm and idependant woman who doesn't rely on a mand to make my decision for me." I shot back, smirking at him. He rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me, placing his hands on my hips. "I'm gonna be fine Daryl." I spoke softly, placing my lips onto his. 

"Alright,t but you stick by my side, no wanderin' off." He demanded, I nodded my head and saluted. Daryl scoffed before continuing his work on the RV. I headed towards the entrace of the RV, looking down and the wedding band on my finger. I jolted back as a sudden pressure pushed against me, with a frown I looked up, coming face to face with Rick who smiled down at me. 

"Hey Pipe, sorry about that." He apologised, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Its okay Rick." I smiled. "Whats up?" 

"Just came to make sure Daryl's cool with you coming with us today?" He asked. 

"Why all of a sudden does Daryl have to asked about every decision I make now?" I snapped ack frowning. "I know I am ppregnant you know? I understand I am a little more vlnerable but I can still take care of myself. I am barely showing okay?" I frowned up at him, a little pset I was eing treated like a child. 

"No, no I understand Piper its just, you know how Daryl can be." Rick began. "I definitely think yo can handle yrself, even if you were 8 months pregnant." He laughed placing his hand on my shoulder. "Tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear I smiled up at him, placing my other hand over the one on my shoulder. He smiled down at me, his eye boring into my own. 

"Hey." Daryl's voice stopped our moment, as he walked up beside me, his eye staring out mine and Ricks hands. Rick quickly snatched his hand back and I dropped mine as I felt Daryl's arm slink round my waist in a possesive manner. "Ready to go?" He asked me. I nodded and climbed into the RV, taking a seat next on my own, near the back of the RV. I watched Rick climb on, sending a smile my way as he did, which I returned before quickly letting it drop and Daryl climbed on behind him. His eyes connected with mine and he made his way over, taking a seat beside me. As the RV started up, Daryl once again wrapped a possessive arm round my waist, glancing up at the back of Ricks head as he did so. 

"Don't worry Dixon, nothing's happening between us." I whispered, the teasing tone turning Daryl's head to me. 

"Huh, you sure?" He scoffed. 

"What does that mean?" I quipped back, leaning away from him. 

"You don't think I haven't noticed the looks you two give eachother sometimes, ever since the prison, I see 'em." He accused. I stared up at him in shock. He wasn't wrong. I can't deny that their wasn't something between Rick at I at the prison. But I was mad at Daryl at the time. 

"Yo-You left me." I squeaked out. 


"You left me, back at the prison, to be with Merle and yeah there was somethng but nothing ever came of it, I promise you now Daryl, he's my family thats it, you are my husband and I love you, please don't get it in your head that its any other way." I finished my speech, staring up at him, a mixture of shock and confusion filled his eyes. "Say something." 

"I love you too, Pipe, sorry guess I got in my head a bit." I smiled, leaning into him and letting my eyes fall shut. Darly hand slowly crept over my stomach and he rubbed light circles with his thumb. 

After a while of driving, and ligth chatter I felt the RV begin to slow down, causing Daryl to perk up and peak through the blinds with a frown. "Yo Rick, what's goin' on?" He called to the front of the RV. My head perked up and I looked out the window, my eyes searching for any signs of trouble. 

"We got a crash ahead." Rick called. "Looks like it just happened." He added, as the RV rolled to a hault. The group all grew more weary, each getting prepared for a fight. I went to stand but Daryl's hand pressed my down into the seat and he shook his head. Pushing his arm off of me, I stood to my feet, prepared to take on whoever got in our way.

Authors Note:


New chapter finally!!! I know its not the most exciting but I wanna ease back into it so I hope you enjoyed!! 

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