RE-WRITTEN - Chapter 7.

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The small group arrived at the hideout, it was a run-down building, no different from the rest in the city, but it looked more secure, with large metal doors. Piper was able to walk on her own now, her dizziness had subsided on the journey over, but the pain still lingered. She held her gun tightly, as they inspected the building's exterior. 

"You sure you're up for this?" Rick asked T-Dog, as he handed over a sniper.

T-Dog nodded, taking the rifle. "Yeah." 

"Okay." Rick responded as T-Dog walked away, heading over to a building nearby. The remaining four continued to prep, Daryl placing his hand on Piper's shoulder and examining her face. She sent him a reassuring smile, trying to ease his worry. He sent her a small nod before turning to the kid.  

"One wrong move and you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know." Daryl warned the kid, whose name was Miguel, as he prepped his crossbow. Piper glanced away, her eyes examing the building before them, checking for any signs of life.  

"G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours. Just so you know." Miguel retorted, earning a stern look from Daryl. 

Piper turned back to them. "G?" She questioned. 

"Guillermo. He's the man here." Miguel explained. Rick sent a cautious glance to Piper and Daryl, who both returned knowing looks. 

"Okay then. Let's go see Guillermo." Rick stated before the four made their way through the gap in the wall. Rick crawled through first before being followed by Daryl and Miguel. Rick held the kid as Daryl helped Piper through the gap. Rick pushed Miguel ahead of him, as the group walked towards the large brown door. Piper began to slow herself when the door began to open. A group of men stood before them, their weapons raised. Piper's grip tightened on her gun as her eyes scanned the group before them.  

"You okay, little man?" The lead man questioned, his eyes glancing at the group before landing back on the kid. Piper assumed this was Guillermo.

"They're gonna cut off my feet, carnal." Miguel cried, Piper pursed her lips, trying to hold back a smirk. 

"Cops do that?" Guillermo asked, looking at Rick. 

"Not him. This redneck puto here. He cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me." Miguel explained, his voice shaky as he glanced back at Daryl.

"Shut up." Daryl snapped, Piper's eyes quickly landed on the two men from the alley, both pushed through the group, their guns pointed at Daryl and Piper. 

"Hey, that's that Vato right there, homes. He shot me in the ass with an arrow. What's up, homes, huh?" The bold man snapped, his glare strong, but Guillermo raised his hand to his friends.

"Chill, ese, chill. Chill." Guillermo tried to calm his friends, his eyes now landing on Rick. "This true? He wants Miguelito's feet? That's pretty sick, man." His face twisted in disgust as Rick shot a glare Daryl's way, unhappy with the false threat he'd used against the boy. 

He turned back to Guillermo. "We were hoping more for a calm discussion." Rick spoke. 

"That hillbilly jumps Felipe's little cousin, beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet, Felipe gets an arrow in the ass and you want a calm discussion? You fascinate me." Guillermo spoke in almost disbelief, Piper let out a sigh as she glanced back at Rick. 

"Heat of the moment. Mistakes were made on both sides." Rick retorted, his face remaining calm.  

Guillermo's eyes scanned the small group, before returning to Rick. "Who's that dude to you anyway? You don't look related." He asked, referring to Daryl. 

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