Chapter 40.

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  We were outside in the courtyard, bringing in the cars. I was sat on the bus as T-Dog drove in one of the cars. The sun was shining, and for the first time, in a long time, I felt good. It had been a few days since Hershel's  had been bitten, Rick had found him some crutches in the infirmary and not he was up and about,hopping around. It was also the safest I'd, well any of us, had felt in a while. 

"Hey Pipe, get your skinny butt down here and help will ye." Daryl called, staring up at me. 

"Yes Mr Dixon." I smirked before jumping down and walking over to him. I leant over and kissed his lips. He smirked back at me before bumping his shoulder on mine. I let out a chuckle before we walked over to Rick. Carol drove in the second car before walking over to us. 

"Alright, let's get the other cars in. We'll park 'em in the west entry of the yard." Rick explained. 

"Good. Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant "vacancy" sign!" Daryl snapped. 

"After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn them." Rick then said. 

"It's gonna be a long day..." T-Dog trailed. 

"Where's Glenn and Maggie?"I asked, looking back up in the courtyard. 

"Yeah, we could use some help."Carol added. 

"Up in the guard tower." Daryl then told us. 

"Guard tower? They were just up there last night!" Rick exclaimed. I smirked as we all looked up at the guard tower. 

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl yelled. There was the sound of shuffling before the door opened and Glenn exited onto the balcony part. He had no shirt on as he was buttoning up his pants. His hair was also all disheveled. 

"Hey! What's up guys?" He called as we began to laugh. 

"You comin'?" Daryl asked. 

"What?" Glenn called back. We began to laugh harder. 

"You comin'?" Daryl repeated, as Glenn started to do up his belt. "Come on, we could use a hand!" Daryl said. 

"Yeah, we'll be right down!" Glenn called back as Daryl, Rick Carol and I began to walk away, still laughing. 

"Hey Rick!" T-Dog called, stopping the four of us. We turned to see the prisoners on our side of the courtyard. Rick's smile immediately dropped and a glare took it's place. Rick began to walk over to them. 

"Come with me." He ordered us. "That's close enough." He then said to the prisoners, who stopped in their tracks. "We had an agreement."

"Please, mister. We know that, we made a deal." Axel began, as Maggie and Glenn exited the tower. "But you gotta understand! We can't live in that place another minute, you follow me? All the bodies, people we knew! Blood, brains everywhere! There's ghosts!" Axel exclaimed. 

"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asked. 

"You should be burning them, like we T told you to." I added. 

"We tried! We did!" Axel protested. 

"The fence is down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. We dropping a body and just running back inside." Oscar explained. Axel then stepped forward, causing Rick's hand to fly to his gun. 

"Look! We had nothing to do with Thomas and Andrew, nothing! You trying to prove a point? You proved it, bro! We'll do whatever it takes to be a part of your group, just, please, please, don't make us live in that place!" Axel pleaded. I looked up at Rick. 

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