Chapter 45.

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Piper's Point of View.

It had been about and hour since we'd gotten here, I passed out again, from blood loss, I think but I wasn't quite sure. I leaned my head back, as a weak feeling washed through me again. My eyes drooped over as the door opened. I lifted my head up to see a man walk in. He was tall, with brown hair. He wore a grey shirt, and black trousers. He slowly circled me before cutting my arms and ankles free. I rubbed my wrists slowly looking down at them.  

"I'm The Governor, now you want to tell where your camp is?" He asked. 

"I'm not telling you shit!" I spat. "So you can you beat me or threaten to kill me but I ain't gonna talk." I said. Suddenly the chair was pulled from beneath me and I crashed to the floor. I grunted as my knees hit the cold ground. I fell forward, my hands just about propping me up. He knelt down in front of me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. 

"Where are your people?" He asked. 

"I'm not telling." I sang weakly. He let out a frustrated sigh before pulling his hand back, and sending a crushing blow to my cheek. I coughed as the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. I lifted my head back up to look at him.

"Where is your camp?!" He growled. I laughed up at him before spitting the blood in my mouth at his face. He pulled his fist back again, it swung in my direction, it collided with my face again, this time harder. It sent me flying to the ground before he kicked my in the stomach. I coughed and rolled onto my back. He then grabbed my shoulders and ragged me to my feet. He pushed my back against the wall and wrapped his large hand round my neck. I struggled weakly against his grasped. "Tell me now! Where is you camp?" He roared. 

"Go to hell." I sneered. He snarled before pulling my head forward then smashing it against the wall, making me see stars. I let out a shaky breath as he let me fall to the floor. I landed on my knees, my head hanging low. The blood dripped from my mouth into my lap. I looked up at him. He sent one last blow to my face, knocking me out. 


Glenn's Point of View.

I slumped around the small room I was being held in, trying desperately to plan an escape. Suddenly the door swung open, revealing Merle, and another man entered. I ran at Merle with the wooden leg of my chair. 

"Uh-uh." Merle shook his head, as the other guy raised his gun at me. Another two men then entered the room. One had a beaten, passed out Piper in his arms, and the other man was holding a topless Maggie. An angry feeling washed over me and I went to run at the man who held Maggie, but the guy with the gun raised his aim at her.

"Hey! Drop it." He ordered. 

"We're through with games. Now one of you is gonna give up your camp." The guy who had Maggie snapped, pulling out his gun. He aimed it at Maggie's head but I stood my ground, calling his bluff. He then strolled over to me, lifting his gun to my head. 

"The prison." Maggie cried. 

"The one near Nunez?" Merle asked. her. 

"That place is overrun." The guy holding Piper stated. 

"We took it." Maggie told them. 

"How many are you?" The man holding me at gunpoint said. 

"10. We have 10 now." Maggie said. 

"10 people cleared that whole prison of biters? Huh?" He then sneered at me, I glared up at him as Maggie began to cry again. The man walked over to her, pulling her close to him. "Hey, hey. Shh, shh, shh." He cooed, touching her face and kissing her head. "It's all right. It's all right. Shh. It's all right." He whispered before pushing her over to me. I pulled her into my arms and she sobbed. Merle took Piper's lifeless body from the man who was holding her. He lay her down on the floor and whispered before standing up and leaving, sending one last glance at me. I pulled back from Maggie and took off my shirt before handing it to her. She pulled it on before rushing to Piper's side. I crouched down next to Maggie, looking down at Pipe. Maggie began sobbing again at the sight of her. Her face was covered in blood, her once blonde hair was stained red and her grey jumper had large splodges of blood on it. One of her eyes were blue and puffed out and she had a cut lip. I leant over and felt her neck with two of my fingers. The light beat of her pulse hit my fingertips. 

"She's alive, but barely, her pulse is really weak." I told Maggie. 

"How could he do that to her?" She cried. I wrapped my arm around her neck and shook my head. 

"I don't know." I whispered. 


Piper's Point of View. 

I was awake, but everything hurt. My head, my eyes, my chest. I couldn't open my eyes, I felt to weak. I tried to move a finger but it was no use. I opened my mouth, nothing but a small whimper left my lips. 

"Piper." A voice sounded. I felt myself flinch as the sound echoed through my head. "Pipe, you awake?" The voice asked before a hand touched my face. I forced my eyes open, to see nothing but a slight blur. I blinked a couple of times, letting my sight adjust. Hovering above me was Maggie, she sent a sad smile my way. 

"W-wh.." I tried to speak, but felt too out of breath to do so. 

"Piper, how do you feel?" She asked. 

"L-l-like shit." I managed to speak. I moved my arms before pushing my weight onto them, pushing myself into the sitting position. My head began to spin and my arms buckled. Maggie caught my head and helped my sit up again, supporting me there. I then looked over at Glenn, who was sat, leaning, against the wall. He sent me a sad smile as tears sprang to my eyes. He was bruised and covered in blood, he also had no shirt on. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'll live." He said, monotonous. 

"What happened to your shirt?" I questioned. Without talking, his lifted his hand and pointed at Maggie. I looked at her, she was wearing his shirt. I frowned before another dizzy spell rushed over me. I fell into Maggie, my eyes drooping closed. 

"Piper, come on, stay awake." Maggie called, lightly tapping my face. She soon became a blurry silhouette, and my eyes closed fully and I lost consciousness. 

Short, I know, I'm sorry!! But please vote and comment!! Loves Ya!!

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