Chapter 99.

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After helping out Michonne, Glenn asked if I wanted to help with digging, which I accepted because I just wanted to spend time with him. I'd been at the digging for almost an hour now, every now and then I'd throw a death stare in Nicholas' direction, his reaction would be to look away, scared. Suddenly, I began to grow light headed, causing me to drop my shovel. 

"Pipe, you okay?" Glenn asked, sending me a, what I thought was, a worried look. My vision blurred slightly and I could feel my legs give way. "Woah, Piper." Glenn called, grabbing me before I could collapse. "A little help!" He yelled as he stood me upright again, though my legs still felt like jelly. 

"Piper!" Rick's worried voice sounded as I was lifted off my feet into a bridal hold. 

"I'm okay, just a little light headed." I spoke as he began to walk. 

"Piper, when was the last time you had something to drink?" Carol asked, walking beside us as Rick placed me down in the bed of the truck, sitting up. 

"This morning, at the house." I mumbled, placing my head in my hand. 

"The hell happened? Pipe you okay?" Daryl's worried voice sounded as he rushed over to me. 

"She's dehydrated, and most likely hungry." Carol told him. "She almost passed out from the dehydration." 

"I'm okay, Glenn got to me before I bit the dust." I joked, earning a glare from Daryl. 

"Here, drink this, eat this..." Carol ordered handing me a cup of water and an apple. "...And take a break, no more working." She finished before walking away. 

"She's right, you sit out for the rest of the day." Rick agreed before also walking away. With a sigh, I took a sip of the water before looking up at Daryl, who was sending a hard look my way. 

"Sorry." I mumbled. Daryl let out a sigh, before sitting down beside me. 

"You gotta remember that you're eatin' for two now Pipe, can't go round skippin' meals and not drinkin' enough." He lectured. 

"I know, I just forget I guess, it's not like before, the pregnancy, with Jake I got cravings right away, and they reminded me that I was eating for two, but this time I don't have any, not yet at least." I told him, he nodded but stayed silent. "But, I have got a feelin' that it's gonna be a girl." I smiled. 

"Me too." He smiled back, reaching over and placing his hand on my stomach. "Can her middle name be Hope?" Daryl then asked. 

"Hope?" I repeated. 

"It's stupid, I know-"

"No, I like it." I told him. "Emily Hope Dixon." I spoke the name out loud. 

"Emily?" Daryl questioned. 

"Yeah, you like it?" I asked. He nodded. "It was my mom's name." I added. 


"Yeah." I smiled. 

"Alright, Emily it is, but I gotta get back to work, take it easy." Daryl ordered me before jumping up and walking away. I smiled widely, watching as Daryl began to use the wheel barrow again. We decided on a name, I mentally squealed. But what if it's a boy. My brain then ran wild, thinking of names for the possible baby boy, wandering to the man I met a few times when we lived in Virginia, he seemed like such a nice man. Frowning, I thought hard, trying to remember this man's name. A friend of my mothers he was. 

"How you doing?" Glenn's voice pulled me from my thoughts, startling me. He chuckled and sat down beside me. 

"I'm good now, thanks for catching me." I chuckled, nudging his shoulder. 

"So what were you thinking about?" Glenn then questioned. 

"Huh?" I frowned. 

"You seemed pretty deep in thought when I came over." He stated. 

"Oh, I was just thinking of baby names in case it's a boy, we've got a girls name but I don't have a boys one." I explained to him. "I was just thinking of a guy I met a couple times when I was a kid and we lived in Virginia, he was a friend of my mom's and every time we'd meet up with him he'd take us to the movies or bowling." I told him with a smile. "I remember his face but I just don't remember his name, it wasn't a very common name." 

"What did it begin with?" Glenn asked. 

"M-or N, I really don't remember." I told him with a sigh. 

"I'm sure you'll remember it soon, but I gotta get back to work, enjoy your relaxing." He smirked before jumping up and walking back over to continue with what he was doing. Sighing, I continued to wrack my brain for ideas of a baby name for a boy. 


A few hours later and I was currently supervising, I told Rick I wanted something to do and he told me to keep an eye on some of the towns people. I watched as Daryl lifted up the wheel barrow and began to push it along. 

"Put your back into it Daryl, we're losing daylight." I called out to him, smirking as he walked towards me. 

"Some of us ain't so lucky to get to rest all day." He retorted, smirking back at me. I leant towards him and placed my lips of his. 

"Back to work Dixon." I ordered, pushing him away. Daryl smiled before walking away. I continued to watch as the villagers built the fences, it was nice seeing both our group and the Alexandrians working together. With a small smile, I walked over to Rick and Deanna who were talking. Suddenly, Rick interrupted Deanna with a serious look on his face. 

"Here they come." He mumbled, looking over to where the towns people were working, a group of walkers began to approach them. 

"Carter, heads up." I called out. 

"Use your shovels." Rick ordered as the people began to look weary. "The guns will draw more." He spoke, referring to the one's who'd whipped out their guns. 

"Help us." Carter pleaded as the walkers came closer.  

"You can do this. You need to, all of you." Rick told him. The walkers were scarily close now, causing Morgan to step forward. "Morgan, don't!" Rick yelled but it was too late. I followed Morgan and took out a walker along with Rosita and Michonne. Daryl also stepped in, shooting one of them with his crossbow. Once all the walkers were dead, Rick tossed the one he killed to the floor angrily, before glaring up at Morgan. 

"You said you don't take chances anymore." Morgan stated. Rick let out a sigh before walking away.

I'm back!!! Whoooo. Sorry again guys and thanks for being so patient!! Hope you enjoyed and comment if you caught on to any of my hints!!

Love ya lots!!

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