Chapter 67.

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Piper's Point of View.

I was stood with Glenn outside the cabin, he'd just told me about the group of people he'd met on the road with Tara. Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. Eugene supposedly knew a way to help end this pandemic. I was happy and desperately hoped it was true.

"Well, I hope he does is, life's never gonna be the same again but it would be great not havin' to worry about the walkers anymore." I told him. Glenn nodded in agreement.

"I hope so too." He whispered. Glenn had also told me what had gone on in Terminus, I was glad they'd all gotten out okay. Daryl explained to me what happened with Beth, she was strong, I knew she was still alive. Daryl walked over to Glenn and I causing Glenn to send a nod his was before walking away. I smiled at Daryl as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He leant down and placed his lips on mine, I kissed back smiling into it.

"I don't know if the fire is still burning." Rick pondered, looking over at the smoke cloud.

"It is." Carol told him.

"Yeah. We need to go." Rick announced.

"Yeah, but where?" Daryl asked.

"Somewhere far away from there." Rick then said, walking over to Daryl and I. He placed his hand on my arm and smiled. "I'm really glad your okay Piper." He said to me. I smiled and patted his shoulder as he walked away. "Right, let's move out." Rick called. I picked up my shot gun before everyone began to move out onto the tracks. I walked along with Daryl, my limp a little less bad then it was, we came off the tracks and continued into the forest, there was more cover here.

Daryl took my hand, lacing his fingers with mine as we walked. I smiled down at our hands it felt good to be with him again. I leaned into him and he looked down at me.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded a bit my lip trying to hold back a smirk. "What?" He asked.

"I just missed bein' by your side, in your arms, missed your touch." I whispered. Daryl smirked and raised an eyebrow. I smirked back and looked away, continuing to walk.


After a couple of hours we stopped, deciding to rest up for the night. I was beginning to feel a little off about the group, like I wasn't suppose to be here anymore. I mean Tara is so close to Glenn and Maggie now that they barely talk to me. Not trying to sound jealous but I feel kind of left out. Any way, we were all just sat round, Carol and Ty went off to get water while I sat with Carl. He was talking away to me about how he thought he'd never see me again.

"What did I tell you?" I asked him. "I'm never gonna leave you Carl, or Judith, I'll always be here for you." I told him, smiling. He smiled back and nodded.

"Mind if I steel her from ye?" Daryl asked, standing in from of us. I looked over at Carl who shrugged and nodded. I stood up and walked away with Daryl.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Not far, just somewhere a little more private." He told me bringing me away. I laughed slightly. We reached a small clearing, not far from the group, Daryl dropped his crossbow bow before placing his hands on my waist. He leant down to kiss me but I turned away. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sighed.

"I helped Carol." I told him. He frowned down at me. "I killed David, not Carol, she only killed Karen, she took the blame so I wouldn't get into trouble." I explained. He brought his hands up to my face and smiled.

"Don't matter, what matters is that we're here now okay? Nothin' else matters." He told me before kissing lips I kissed back, grabbing onto Daryl's shirt, pulling him closer to me. He gently pushed me against a tree, now kissing me hungrily. I wrapped my hands round his neck, bunching my hands in his hair. He placed his hands under my thighs and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I pulled back, panting for breath but Daryl continued, kissing my neck.

"Daryl." I sighed. "We should head back, they'll be wonderin' where we are." I told him. He pulled back and groaned.

"Do we have to?" He asked. I smirked and jumped down.

"Yeah, we do, come on." I told him, pushing him away. He sighed and picked up his crossbow before we walked back to the group. A few smirks were sent our way as we returned. I looked up at Daryl and my eyes widened in shock. His hair was still messy and a few buttons on his shirt were missing. I lifted my hand and patted down my hair.

"Where were you two?" Rick asked, trying too hold back a smile.

"Huntin'." Daryl told them.

"Mhmm, what did you catch?" Glenn asked, stepping forwards.

"Nothin' we got ambush by um, walkers." I stuttered. Chuckles erupted round the group and I looked down, blushing.

"Well, I'm gonna go and drown in my embarrassment." I sighed before walking away.


Once night rolled over I sat beside the fire on my own, watching the others mingle amongst themselves. Glenn was with Maggie and Tara, Abraham's group were talking with each other. Daryl wad with Ty, Bob and Sasha. I just sat here staring at them all.

"Doesn't feel the same, does it?" Carol asked, sitting down beside me. I scoffed and looked at her.

"Nope, it doesn't." I sighed, shaking my head. Before she could reply, Rick called her over. I sighed again as she stood up and walk over to him. I got up and walked away from the fire, sitting on a log beside a tree. I just wanted to be away from everyone. I looked down feeling tears fill my eyes. Someone dropped beside me making me force the tears back. I looked over to see Daryl, he was looking all adorable with his chin rested on his crossbow, he raised his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes before turning away. I felt his eyes burning holes in the side of my face.

"I don't want to talk about it, Daryl, I can't." I told him, still not looking at him. "I just want to forget it." I said, finally facing him. He stared at me, looking sad but he nodded.

"All right." He mumbled. I smiled slightly, reaching my hand over and placing it on his cheek. I ran my thumb along the purple bruise under his eye. Suddenly, the trees rustled making me drop my hand as Daryl shot to his feet. He stared out into the trees before looking back at me. "It's nothin'." He said before sitting back down. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms round me. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Just sleep, okay." He told me. I nodded slowly and closed my eyes.

Sorry if this chapter is shorter then the others, still I hope you enjoyed!!

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