Chapter 110.

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"Thats one of ours!" Jesus exclaimed, rushing to exit the RV. The group fllwed, including me, despite Daryl's protests. Jesus rushed over to the car, searching round it as Rick pulled out his gun. Jesus looked ack at us, a confused look falling on his face when he saw the gun.

"If this is a trick, it won't end well for you." Rick warned. 

"My people are in trouble, they don't - we don't have a lot of fighters." Jesus defended as we searched round for any sign of other people. "I know how it looks but I'll play it out, can I borrow a gun -"

"No." Daryl interupted before pointing to the floor. "We got tracks right here." Our grop andJesus followed Daryl to a building, Rick slowly approached first, anding loufly on the window once he reached the door. He stepped back, holding his gun up to the door. We all had our gns ready, incase they tried to ambush us. 

"They gotta be in there." Jesus spoke desparately. Rick lowered his gun and turned to Jesus, looking rather weary. 

"We movin' in or what?" Abraham asked, seemingly impatient. 

"How do we know this ain't the fire crackers in the trash can?" Daryl asked as he walked over to Rick. Neither seeming happy about the situation. 

"You don't!" Jesus exclaimed. Rick glanced around before speaking again. 

"We'll get your people, you're staying here, with one of us." Jesus looked back at Michonne helplessly.

 "Thats the deal." She spoke. 

"Will you stay?" Glenn asked Maggie who nodded. 

"You too." Daryl spoke walking over to me. I frowned. "Please, just incase he tries to run." With roll of my eyes I nodded, Daryl smiled before placing his hand on my stomach before walking away. 

"Ya'll go, just be careful." Maggie spoke as Rick cuffed Jesus' hands behind his back. 

"Yeah, we're gonna be careful." He said, tightening the cuffs. 

"Just hurry." Jesus begged. Rick turned to look at me. 

"You hear me whistle, shoot him." I nodded and held my gun tighter to my body, ready for anything. Maggie and I watched as the group wearily enter the building, both of us lifting our guns slightly, our eyes returning to Jesus who watched on helplessly. Maggie's eyes fixed on Jesus, while I lowered my gun. 

"You are really worried aren't you?" I spoke, walking over to Jesus. 

"Yes, they're my people." Jesus quipped back. 

"That's what I mean, you're way too worried to try anything." I tilted my head at him, making a decision in my mind that he wasn't going to hurt us and placed my gun down next to him before taking a seat on the front porch steps. 

"You trust me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've seen that look before, on myself included." I smiled. After a short wait, the group burst out the house, with some new faces, one of which looked badly injured. Without hesitation we rushed back into the RV and Rick uncuffed Jesus who immeidately began to help his people. Rick spoke a little before starting up the RV and driving off. 

"You okay?" Daryl asked me as we sat down. I nodded, smiling before resting my head on his shoulder. Maggie and Glenn rushed to the back of the RV, following one of Jesus' people.  

"I think I might nap, kinda tired." I spoke, nuzzling into Daryl some more.

"Okay baby." Dary whispered as my eyes fluttered closed.


I was awoken by Daryl  once we arrived at Hilltop and we did not recieve a warm welcome. After a lengthy shotuing match with the guards on the gates we were finally let in. They tried to take our weapons but obviously Rick was having none of it. Hilltop was a cool place, a large house sat in the middle of the walls and it was surronded by storage containers converted into homes. There was also some famr land where vegetables grew. It was a great little community. The group followed Jesus wearily inside the house, it was immaculate, so clean. Looking less abandoned than most of the houses we found. 

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