Chapter 53.

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Piper's Point of View.

Rick had just told us about what the Governor really wanted. Michonne. I did not think it was right, us just handing her over like that after she helped us many times. I know she has not entirely proven her trust to us, I think she is part of our group now. 

"It's the only way, no one else knows." Rick told Daryl, Hershel and I. 

"Are you gonna tell 'em?" I asked. 

"Not till after. We have to do it today. It has to be quiet." Rick explained. I scoffed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"You got a plan?Daryl asked, glancing up at me then looking at Rick. 

"We tell her we need to talk, away from the others." Rick told us. I sighed and looked down, rubbing a hand over my face. 

"Just ain't us, man." Daryl said, shaking his head. 

"No. No, it isn't." Hershel snapped before walking away. Rick looked back at me and I shook my head. 

"I agree, it's not who we are." I said. 

"We do this, we avoid a fight. No one else dies." Rick said to the two of us. Daryl nodded, I however did not agree at all. 

"Except her." I retorted. "You don't know what he's got planned for her. I-I'm sorry Rick,  you do what you have to but, I don't want any part in it." I said before walking away after Hershel. After a few moments of walking, I heard footsteps following behind me. 

"You got your plan sorted?" I asked, glancing back at Daryl.

"Rick wants Merle to help." He told me. I scoffed and stopped, turning to Daryl. 

"I'm sure he'd be happy to." I said. Daryl looked down. "Look, Daryl, I know you think this ain't right." I said. 

"I don't think it's right." He confirmed. 

"So why are you goin' through with it?" I snapped. 

"Because I'd do anythin' to protect you, and keep you safe." He replied. 

"Well, if my safety mean losing one of our own, I'd rather die." I said before walking away, leaving Daryl there. 


A little later in the day, we decided to boobie-trap the courtyard, just in case the Governor decided to ambush again. I stood by and watched though. I couldn't be with Michonne knowing what they were planning to do. Suddenly, Rick burst out the door with a gun. He must've heard all the yelling. 

"Don't worry Rick, everythin's fine." I told him as he stood next to me by the fence. "Oh look, Michonne's helping them." I sang, glancing up at him. He glared down at me. "She makes a really good edition to the group, don't you think?" I asked before walking away. I entered the prison, the dark hallway was still eerie. The sound of footsteps followed before I was pushed against the wall and Rick was staring down at me. 

"Don't do that." He said.

 "Do what, Rick? Tell the truth." I snapped. "What your going to do is not right and you know it!" I said, glaring up at him. "It's something Shane would do." I sneered. 

"I am not Shane." Rick snapped back, leaning his head down. "I'm just trying to keep this group safe." He explained. 

"By sacrificing an innocent person! Rick that's not you and you know it!" I exclaimed. Rick looked down and sighed. I placed my hand on his cheek, making him look at me. "You need to do the right thing Rick, and I know, deep down, you know what the right thing is." I said, looking up at him. His eyes stared down into mine and he leaned in slightly. My eyes fluttered to his lips before I came to my senses and coughed before looking down dropping my hand from his cheek. He stepped back and sighed. 

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