Chapter 33.

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Turns out Daryl didn't get that far before rushing back inside, telling us about a herd of walkers. Glenn, Andrea and I rushed outside, me grabbing my backpack on the way out, to see hundreds of walkers heading this way. You see I decided to pack a backpack in case something was to happen to the farm. Something told me our safe haven wasn't going to last for long.

"Holy shit, what're we gonna do?" I asked, looking up at Daryl.

"We've got to leave." Glenn said. Daryl nodded in agreement before heading inside. He came back out with the rest of the group. Beth gasped and stepped back, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel ordered.

"I'll get the guns." Andrea said, heading inside.

"Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn asked Daryl.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size would rip the house down." Daryl told him.

"Carl's gone." Lori exclaimed, stepping onto the porch.

"What?" I asked.

"He... he was upstairs,I can't find him anymore." Lori explained, breathing heavily.

"Maybe he's hiding." Glenn suggested.

"He's supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy." Lori snapped.

"We're not. We're gonna look again. We're gonna find him." Carol told her, taking her back inside. As they went in, Andrea came out with the bag of guns. She placed it on the floor and Maggie immediately began rummaging through it. She took out two shotguns, handing one to Glenn.

"Maggie..." Glenn started.

"You grow up country, you pick up a thing or two." Maggie told him. I smirked as I reached into the bag and pulled out my shotgun, the one I'd found on the highway. I grabbed the box of shell before placing them in my bag.

"I got the number... It's no use." Daryl told her.

"You can go if you want." Hershel told him.

"You gonna take 'em all on?" Daryl asked.

"We have guns. We have cars." Hershel retorted.

"Kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm." I told Daryl, cocking my gun.

"Are you serious?" Daryl asked.

"This is my farm. I'll die here." Hershel snapped, walking away.

"All right. It's as good a night as any." Daryl said, before kissing my forehead before hopping off the porch and walking away.

"You'd better come back to me Dixon!" I called to him. He smirked back at me before turning away fully. "I'll stay here with Hershel, you guys go and help Daryl" I said to Maggie and Glenn.

"We'll go too." Andrea said, referring to herself and T-Dog. I nodded before pulling Glenn into a hug.

"Be careful out there brother." I whispered. He pulled back and nodded. "You too Maggie." I said. She nodded and smiled before the four of them followed after Daryl. I headed inside with Beth and Patricia. I sat down on the couch with my gun between my legs. I sighed and looked down, biting my nails.

"Piper, Daryl will be okay." Beth said to me. I smiled up at her and nodded. Beth then walked over to the window.

"The barn's on fire." She said. I stood up and walked over to the window with Patricia.

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now