Chapter 92.

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Piper's Point Of View. 

Carefully, I climbed out of the van. The bad feeling in my stomach began to grow, but I pushed it down, I didn't want to get distracted. I needed to be super focused on the job at hand. No exceptions. 

"That's it there?" Tara asked, pointing at the large grey building in front of us. 

"That's the warehouse." Aiden confirmed. "Looks like that door is our fastest way in and out." He added. 

"We should know all the exits first." Glenn piped in. 

"Yeah, he's right, that way we have a plan if things go south." I explained further. 

"Already got one. It's called going out the front." Nicholas cut in, smirking at us. I went to snap back, but was stopped by Glenn's hand on my shoulder. 

"Noah, heads up." Tara called out, pointing at the oncoming walker. 

"Got it." Noah mumbled, lifting his gun a shooting the walker right between the eyes. Grabbing my shotgun out of the van, I smirked over at Noah. 

"Look at you with the aim." Aiden hollered, handing a rifle to Noah. "Piper and Glenn are right, we should do a perimeter check. Know our exits just in case." He added on, sending a nod Glenn's way. I sent him a grateful smile. 

"Alright, Piper, Noah and I will check this way; Aiden and Nicholas go take the west side and Eugene and Tare check round the back." Glenn ordered, sending us in opposite directions. Gripping my gun tightly, I slowly began to walk with Noah and Glenn, strolling between the two of them. 

"That was good aim back there." Glenn mumbled, nonchalantly as we strolled along.

"Target practice always helped." Noah spoke. 

"Yeah well, last week, I was pretty close to practising on Aiden." I spoke, causing the two boys to chuckle. Glenn nudged my shoulder but hummed in agreement. 

"Me, too, Pipe, me too." He added, chuckling again. The sounds of snarling caught our attention as we continued to walk. Rushing round the corner, we came face to face with a yard full of walkers. Sighing, Glenn said, "Well, we're not getting out the front." Scoffing, I turned and began heading back round to the van. Glenn and Noah quickly followed, Glenn giving me a scolding for rushing off. Once we reached the van, the rest soon joined us and we made our way over to the entrance. Looking up at Glenn, he gave me a nod, which signalled me to open up the door. Slowly I pushed it open, lifting my gun up as I did. Glenn banged his hand against the metal, causing Aiden to step forward. 

"Give it another second. It's a big place." I told him, which, in return, he nodded. 

"She's right, there could be some inside." Glenn added, stepping in further. 

"So let's say they are. Let's move. Let's be safe." Aiden urged. Glenn glanced at me before nodding.

"All right." He mumbled before pulling out his gun and holding it up. Using his flash light, he shone it about as we all slowly entered. The Seven of us scoped out the place, walking down each aisle. "Piper, you good?" Glenn whispered. 

"Yeah." I whispered back, continuing through the warehouse.

"Shh." Glenn stopped us, holding his hand up as signal. Sounds of rattling and snarling echoed through the air. "They're stuck behind something." Glenn whispered. Aiden stepped beside him. 

"How do you know?" He questioned. 

"I don't but they aren't here." Glenn spoke, looking back at us. "All right, let's go. Eyes up." Glenn ordered as we continued. The group walked a little further, turning round a corner onto a new aisle. Glenn and I flinched, and stepped back when a walker slammed against the metal, mesh fence. More walkers joined it, snarling and clashing their teeth at us. Aiden looked at them in horror as I began to check the gate, ensuring it was closed and secure. 

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