Chapter 59.

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"No, no, no." I cried, collapsing into Daryl, who wrapped his arms round me. I let the tears fall as I clung to Daryl's shirt. "No, no, but how? I thought-I thought he was fine, how?" I asked, looking up at Dr S. 

"During the birth, he swallowed a lot of fluid, which meant he had problems with breathing, we don't have the tools to help him, I'm sorry there is nothing we could do." He explained. I cried even more into Daryl's chest. He held me tight as I sobbed into his chest. 

"Can we see him?" Daryl asked.

"No, I can't sorry Daryl, I just want to forget, please just let me forget." I told him. "You can see him if you want, but I can't I just want to be alone." I whispered. Daryl nodded, before everyone left. I pulled my hair up into a bun and sat down onto the blankets. I closed my eyes and I shook my head. 'I will not cry anymore' I told myself. 'No more crying.' I finally opened my eyes to find I was just outside block C. I gathered the blankets off the table and threw them into the laundry hamper before walking outside. I walked along the courtyard breathing in the air, suddenly feeling sweaty again. 

"Piper?" A voice called. I turned to see Rick. "I'm so sorry Piper." He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I think I needed it though as I hugged back. 

"Thanks Rick, but I just need to be on my own for a while." I told him. He nodded as I walked away. 


There was another meeting called, I decided to go to it, even though Glenn said I didn't have to go. I wanted to though, I was trying to keep myself distracted, from today, and from myself. I need to keep convincing myself I was fine. However, Glenn did retrieve my camera from cell block D, so I guess that's a good thing, right? We were sat around the same table as this morning, going trough all the situations. I was sat beside Daryl again.

"It's spread. Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, and now others." Hershel told us. I clenched my fist, trying not to be affected by the fever. 

"Oh, Jesus." Daryl mumbled, looking up at me. I sent him a small smile, he wrapped his arm over my shoulder. 

"So what do we do?" Carol asked. 

"First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David." Hershel explained.

"What the hell we gonna do about that?" Daryl snapped. 

"I'll ask Rick to look into it try to make a timeline-- who's where when but what are we gonna do to stop this?" Carol asked. 

"There is no stopping it. You get it, you have to go through it." Hershel explained. 

"But it just kills you?" Michonne asked. 

"The illness doesn't but the symptoms do." Hershel retorted. "We need antibiotics." He added.

"We've been through every pharmacy nearby and then some." Daryl sighed. I looked over at him before back at Hershel. 

"That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication." Hershel began. "The drugs for animals there are the same we need." He informed. 

"That's 50 miles, too big a risk before. Ain't now I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste any more time." Daryl said standing up. I stood up too, grabbing my camera off the table. 

"I'm in." Michonne said walking over to us. 

"You haven't been exposed. Daryl has. You get in a car with him..."

"Pfft, he's already given me fleas." She laughed. Hershel chuckled to before standing. 

"I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept." He told Daryl, who glanced at me before back at Hershel. 

"When we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." Daryl told him. 

"I can draw you a map." Hershel sighed. "There are other precautions I feel we should take, though." He added. 

"Like what?" Carol asked. 

"There's no telling how long it'll be before Daryl and his group return. Wouldn't it make sense for us to separate the most vulnerable? We can use the administration building. Separate office, separate room." Hershel explained. 

"Who is the most vulnerable?" Glenn asked. 

"The very young." Hershel said. 

"What about the old?" I asked. 

"Well the old too then, we just need them separate from the exposed." Hershel said. 

"Alright, let's get goin'." Daryl said before exiting the room. I grabbed my camera and rushed out after him. 

"Daryl wait." I called. He turned to me. 

"Be careful out there." I told him. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. 

"I'm coming back, you won't lose me too." He whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. 

"Please come back in one piece." I pleaded. He pulled back and took my camera before snapping a picture. I watched as he pulled out the Polaroid and smiled down at it. 

"Here's my reason to come back." He said, showing me the picture. I nodded before hugging him again. I then took the camera and quickly snapped one of him. 

"Now we both have one." I told him. He nodded before turning and leaving. "We both have a reason to hold on." I whispered. 


I was walking across the courtyard, trying to find Rick. I wanted to talk to him but this disease was getting the best of me. I collapsed to the floor coughing. Coughing, I couldn't stop coughing. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped round me. 

"Piper, no." Daryl's voice sounded. 

"Take me to A, I need to be quarantined. You need to get me away from people." I told him. He nodded before rushing me to the cell block. 

"Oh no." Carol exclaimed as we stood there. Daryl put me down. 

"This is as far as I can go." Daryl said. I nodded understanding. I slowly walked into the block, taking one last look at Daryl before turning away. I heard the door close and I flinched. This might be it. I sighed. I climbed up the steps, heading towards the upper cells to find Glenn, he was sitting on the floor breathing heavily. 

"Oh Glenn." I exclaimed, slumping over and sitting beside him. He looked over at me. 

"It got you too huh?" He asked, weakly. 

"Yeah, I suppose it did." I sighed, looking at him. I began to cough again before groaning. 

"Piper, I'm so sorry about you baby." He whispered. 

"I just want to forget about the baby." I told him. "I can't think about it." I sighed. He nodded and whispered an 'okay.'  Hershel suddenly approached us with a tray. He knelt down beside us before pouring something into two cups. He handed them to us and we quickly drank them. I coughed and handed him the cup back, Glenn handed his over to before trying to stand. 

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He muttered. He quickly fell back to sitting down and Hershel handed me and Glenn and damp rag each. 

"Keep those on your forehead. Veterinarian's orders." He told us. 

"This sucks." Glenn sighed. "After everything, we just get taken out by a glorified cold." He said, looking up at Hershel.

"Don't say things like that. Don't even think things like that." Hershel ordered, looking at the both of us. 

"All we can do is stop saying them." Glenn said. 

"No, you can do more. We got this far somehow, you can believe somehow. Now we all have jobs here. That one's yours." He told us smiling. 

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