Chapter 81.

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We were now driving along in the RV, following Rick and Glenn towards Aaron's camp. I was currently sat with Maggie, she was sitting with her head laying on my shoulder. We just talking about when we were kids and Jake and I would visit during the summer. 

"Remember when you and I would take Jake and Shawn's stuff and hide it round the farm." She reminisced. I smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah, then we'd watch from my room while the two of them ran around tryin' to find it." I added, making Maggie laugh slightly. 

"And then Beth would tell on us, and Shawn would always threaten to get us back." She added, still chuckling softly.

"Yeah, we'd be so scared afterwards in case Shawn or Jake would be plannin' something." I sighed, remembering the days.

"Those days were so fun, before your dad stopped you from visiting, I wish we could turn back time and go back, relive those memories, relive all the good memories." Maggie explained, lifting her head up and sighing.

"Me too, I'd give anythin' to see Jake again." I mumbled, looking down at my hands. Maggie wrapped one arm round shoulders, making me look up at her. She sent a small smile and spoke. 

"What matters now is that we have each other, we're alive right now, we're surviving, me and you, together." I smiled at her statement and nodded. 

"Together." I repeated.  Suddenly, the RV began to swerve before coming to a grinding halt, making us all jolt forward. I stood up from beside Maggie and walked over to Daryl who was in the driver's seat. "What the hell happened?" I asked, peering out at the dark road ahead of us, it barely lit by the headlights of the RV.

"I don't know, they drove into that pack of walkers just up there, they were going too fast, I think the swerved off road." Daryl  explained. 

"Go round, double back, there was a turning not too far back there, maybe we can meet them on the other side." Abraham suggested from the passenger's seat, pointing down at the map. 

"Alright." Daryl spoke before reversing. 

"Look, there's a small town just down there, maybe we could stop there and wait, they should meet up with us, like with Terminus we all found each other is the same place." I explained, taking the map from Abraham. Daryl nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Take a seat girlie, show him the way." Abraham told me before standing up from the passengers seat. Smiling at him, I climbed into the seat, glancing up at the road before back down at the map. 

"Left here Daryl." I ordered. He grunted in reply, taking the next left. We came across a group of buildings, peering out the window we saw a person waving their arms at us as they limped along the path. "Daryl stop, maybe that's the other person Aaron was talkin' about." I told him. Daryl stopped the RV, causing me to shoot out of my seat and exit the vehicle. 

"Piper!" I heard Daryl's angry voice called after me as I rushed over to the man. 

"Are you alright?" I asked as he fell to the floor. 

"No, my ankle." He groaned out, clutching his leg. "Is Aaron with you? Where's the other car?" He then rushed out. 

"They were ahead of us in the car, we got split up." I told him as the rest of the group joined us. 

"Let's help him up." Maggie said before grabbing one of his arms, Sasha took the other. 

"What's your name?" Daryl asked. 

"Eric." He replied, smiling a little. "In my bag is another flare, set it off they'll find us easier that way." Eric then told us. I nodded before rummaging in his bag before pulling out the red flare gun. 

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora