Chapter 55.

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Now on foot, we were close to Woodbury with the woman we picked up. In the end she wanted to help us take down the Governor, especially after what he'd done to all those people. Honestly, I couldn't blame her. I had a machine gun, Rick thought my shot gun would be too slow, and I'd need to reload too much. As soon as the walls of the town came into view, we were instantly shot at.

"Ahh!" I yelled out, diving behind a car, no-one really noticed I was hit, which I was slightly relieved about. I glanced down at my leg, the blood from my freshly made wound seeped through the fabric of my jeans. I used my knife to cut off a strip of my shirt before tying it round my wound.

"Piper!" Daryl exclaimed, realising I was hurt.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I called back before getting up on one knee and firing at the people on the walls.

"Tyreese! It's me! Don't ..." Before the woman could finish, Rick pulled her down.

"Get down!" He snapped at her.

"Karen! Karen, are you okay?" The man called down to her. Karen pulled away from Rick and stood up.

"I'm fine!" She called back.

"Where's the Governor?" Tyreese asked.

"He fired on everyone. He killed them all." Karen told them.

"Why are you with them?" Tyreese yelled.

"They saved me." Karen admitted.

"We're coming out!" Rick yelled, looking over at us. Daryl shook his head, before nodding down at me. Rick's eyes widened when he saw my leg. 'I'm fine' I mouthed and Rick nodded. "We're coming out." He called again. I pulled my gun over my shoulder and stood up, following Rick's lead, I limped out from behind the car. Daryl scoffed before doing the same. The two people opened up the gates, Tyreese's eyes softening slightly when he saw my limp, the woman just stared at us.

"What are you doing here?" Tyreese asked.

"We were coming to finish this until we saw what the Governor did." Rick explained. The pain in my leg began to grow worse, I think Daryl noticed my discomfort, as he wrapped his arm around my waist, making me lean onto him for support.

"He ... he killed them?" Tyreese asked.

"Yeah." Rick replied. "Karen told us Andrea hopped the wall going for the prison." Rick explained.

"She never made it, we think she still might be here." I told them. Tyreese nodded.

"We think we know where she is too." Rick added. Tyreese moved out of the way, allowing us to enter the town. We headed to the place where Glenn, Maggie and I were kept by the Governor. "This is where he had Glenn, Pipe and Maggie." Rick told Tyreese and the woman, who we now know as Sasha. I limped and looked down, not wanting to remember what happened her.

"The Governor held people here?" Tyreese asked.

"He did more than hold them." I snapped, looking up at him. Rick then slowed down, looking down at the pool of blood beside the door.

"No." I whispered.

"Will you open it?" Michonne asked Rick, who nodded, before glancing up at me. I looked down and sighed, before lifting my gun like Daryl.

"One, two..." Before three, Rick threw the door open, revealing a very dead Milton.

"Andrea!" Michonne exclaimed. I turned to see her lying on the floor, covered in blood. Tears pulled into my eyes and I whimpered slightly.

"I tried to stop them." She sighed. I dropped my gun and bent down beside her.

"You're burning up." Michonne said. Andrea pulled down the shoulder of her jacket, revealing a bite. I gasped and shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

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