Chapter 56.

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6 Months Later.

"It's your fault." I mumbled. "You render me useless." I said, caressing the bump now situated on my stomach. "I can't do anything but sit around while everyone else is out on runs and I'm just here, trying to stop myself from eating all the food." I sighed, then smiled, rubbing my stomach.

"Um Piper?" Carol's voice called. I slowly looked up at her and smiled. "Talking to bump again?" She asked.

"Yup, just givin' her a hard time on how she's holdin' me back." I laughed, standing up from the steps. Carol laughed.

"Well, she's not holding you back from helpin' me make breakfast, now come on." She said, taking my hand and leading me outside to the food shack. I began to help cook up some food with Carol, we laughed and chatted as we gave out food to everyone.

"Morning, Daryl, Hey, Daryl!" A few voices sounded as Daryl walked over to us.

"Smells good." He said, looking over at me.

"Just so you know, I liked you first." I smirked.

"Stop." Daryl said, leaning over and placing a kiss on my cheek. He then began to eat his food as I fried up some more of the meat. "You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too." He told me, talking about the food and the people.

"Not recently." I said with a shrug. "Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love." I sang, shrugging.

"Right." He scoffed.

"I need you to see somethin'." I then told him, he nodded. "Patrick, you want to take over here, help Carol out?" I asked the young boy.

"Yes, ma'am." He beamed, I handed him the cloth and spatula. "Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday." He then said, causing Daryl to look up at me, I just smiled. "It was a real treat, sir and I'd be honoured to shake your hand." He smiled, holding out his hand. Daryl looked at me and smirked before licking his fingers and taking the boys hand. I giggled slightly and looked down before beginning to walk away. Daryl quickly followed, putting an arm around my shoulders. "So what's up?" He asked, placing down his food on the counter then pulling on his jacket. He then picked up his food again and we continued to walk.

"About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." I explained.

"That place is good to go. We're gonna move on it." He told me, talking about the army set up they'd found outside a supermarket.

"Yeah, the thing is, we had a pretty big buildup overnight, dozens more towards tower three. It's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore." I said, looking back at him.

"With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out. You get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up." He told me. I sighed.

"They're pushing against the fences again. It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long." I explained, before looking back at him again. "Sorry, Pookie." I smirked. He looked down at me and frown before nudging my shoulder. I then fully turned to face him. "You'd better be careful out there today." I told him. He placed his bowl down on the ground before placing his hands on my hips and using his thumbs to rub circles on my stomach.

"I'm gonna be fine Pipe, like always." He said, putting his forehead on mine.

"I know but, I'm just extra worried today, I got a bad feeling." I sighed, wrapping my arms round his neck.

"Don't worry Pipe, I'm gonna come back." He said. I smiled and nodded before kissing his lips. Daryl kissed back before kneeling down and placing a kiss on my stomach, he then quickly stood up, grabbing his bowl. "I gotta go get ready." He said. I smiled and nodded.

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