Chapter 114.

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I knelt there, crying, as the saviors surrounded Rick and the rest of the group. The car lights switched revealing how many saviors there actually were. My eyes widened and I looked round, my eye eventrually catching Rick's gaze, I cried even more as he looked around, starting to look defeated.

"You made it." Simon spoke, stepping forward, his smile was wide. Rick looked round helplessly, he must've known that there was no way out of this one. "Welcome to where you're goin'." Simon added. "We'll take your weapons, now." He demanded, pulling his gun on Carl. A bunch of saviors began to collect up the weapons from the group.

"We can talk about-"

"We're done talking." Simon snapped, cutting off Rick. "Time to listen." He added as the group finished taking the weapons. Simon walked over to Carl, pulling the gun from Carl's holster. "That's yours right?" He asked before smirking. "Yeah its yours." Simon flicked the top of Carl hat before standing back up straight and looking at the rest of the group again. My whimpers grew louder.

"Okay, let's get her down and get you on your knees." Simon spoke again. "Lots to cover." Rick looked round helplessly again before the group began to lower Maggie down and take her off the makeshift stretcher. Two saviors came over to Eugene and I, grabbing us and pulling us over to the rest of the group forcing us to kneel once more, Rick looked over at us, looking intensly worried. "Gonna need you on your knees," Simon demanded before the group all knelt in a line.

"Let's get the other ones, now! Dwight!" Simon then called.

"Yeah!" Dwight responded, stepping forward.

"Chop chop." Simon demanded. Dwight nodded, before heading to a truck and opening it up. A few saviors helped Dwight pull out more people, my heart dropping when I saw Daryl and Glenn being pulled out. His eyes met mine as they filled with tears.

"Piper." He managed to grumble out, my eyes noticed the bandage on his shoulder and I whimpered. Michonne and Rosita were also wtih them.

"Maggie." I heard Glenn choke out when he noticed her.

"On your knees!" Dwight snapped pulling him back. His eyes then locked with mine, even more hurt filling them. I cried out again.

"All right, we got a full house." Simon called, heading over to the RV. "Let's meet the man." He then knocked on the door to the RV. My head felt dizzy again and my heart pounded. The door opened quickly, and Negan emerged from the shadows, his barbed wire baseball bat slung over his shoulder.

"Pissin' our pants yet?" He questioned, with a sly smile. "Boy, do I have a feelin' we're getting close." Negan slowly walked round, eyeing each of us, his smile not faltering. "Yep, its gonna be pee pee pants city here real soon." He smirked, his eyes meeting mine as he quirked his eyebrow. I glared at him trying to hold back more tears. He then tore his gaze from mine again.

"Which one of you pricks is the leader?" Negan asked, gesturing at us with his free hand.

"It's this one." Simon called, pointing at Rick. "He's the guy." Negan walked over to Rick, smiling down at him.

"Hi, you're Rick right? I'mm Negan." Negan introduced, Rick didn't respond. "And I do not appreciate you killing my me." Negan added. "Then when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people." Negan spat, looking more serious now. "Not cool, not fuckin' cool, you have no fuckin' idea how not fuckin' cool that shit is." His tone grew more serious as he spoke, making me feel more uneasy. "But, I think you're gonna be up to speed here shortly." He added. "Yeah, you are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes." He warned. Negan smiled once again. "Fuck yeah you are." Still looking down at Rick, Negan continued his rant. "See Ric, whatever you do, no matter fuckin' what you do not mess with the new world order, and the new world order is this and it's really very simple, even if you're fuckin' stupid which you very well maybe, you can understand it." Negan paused to take a breath. "Here it is, you ready? Negan asked. "Give me your shit, or I will kill you." He spoke, his words sending shivers down my body.

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora